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Is Jesus Missing In Your Life?

January 12, 2025    The First Sunday after Epiphany


Is Jesus Missing In Your Life?


It’s not a secret to any of us that the new year, 2025, recently arrived.   What better time is there than this to pause and reflect on our lives of faith….and to ask ourselves, “What Spiritual resolutions do I need to make as I begin this new year?”    Perhaps this morning you’re one of those individuals who finds yourself in something of a “Spiritual slump.”   If so, as God enables you, it’s a great time to begin to turn things around in a more Godly direction.  But even if you aren’t in a slump, who among us doesn’t have areas of our lives that need improvement, where we can grow more Spiritually, and where we can pick up the pace of our Christian walk?


On the other hand , maybe you’re in something worse than a slump.   Maybe your Lord Jesus Christ, Who was once a powerful part of your life, doesn’t seem to be there the way He once was.   If that’s the case, the Words of our God that we’ll be studying during this morning’s worship service very likely have something to say to you to encourage and support you Spiritually.   Particularly in our Sermon text, Luke 2:41-52’s account of the twelve year old Jesus in the Temple, we find that Mary and Joseph, who had Christ prominently in their lives, lost Him for a time, and then – by God’s grace – found Him again.


In connection with that story, I’d like you to notice one thing that’s often overlooked.   Jesus was missing for the better part of day, but Mary and Joseph didn’t notice it at all.    Sometimes that’s true for us, too…..that Christ isn’t as prominent in our daily thinking and living as He should be, because we aren’t giving Him the attention and devotion He’s due.  Usually that happens when we get so busy with our earthly concerns, purposes and distractions that we end up moving ahead with our priorities….all the while leaving Jesus somewhere behind us.


Getting back to Mary and Joseph, it was only after they experienced a moment of quiet at the end of their day’s journey back to Nazareth, that it occurred to them to think about Jesus, and to wonder where He was……finally realizing (and probably panicking) that He wasn’t there with them.


I’ll admit that it’s easy for me center my day’s thoughts, activities and priorities on things other than my Lord and Savior.   I get distracted at times by the worries and cares of this life, or my doubts, or about satisfying myself.   Perhaps that happens to you, too.   It’s easy to think about myself too much, and about my God too little.  


Consequently, it’s not only important – it’s essential – for me to stop from time to time, and to look at where Christ is in my life.   Think about Mary and Joseph….what would have happened if they had stayed so focused on getting back to Nazareth that, throughout their journey home, they never even looked for Jesus?   That would have been beyond bad!    And so each day we also need to take stock of our Spiritual lives, looking for Jesus in our hearts and words and actions….and – if He’s missing – to put Him back in the place of prominence and dominance that He’s earned through His redeeming work for us.


One of the things that makes this story so memorable, is Luke’s picture of Mary and Joseph searching for Jesus.  Once they realize He’s missing, they promptly turn around and head back to Jerusalem, relentlessly searching for Him.   Finally, after three days, they find Him.    Realizing that He stayed behind on purpose, inspires them initially to be upset with their Son.   But Jesus’ absolutely proper answer to them is priceless: “You didn’t need to worry about Me.  Where else would you expect Me to be, but right here in My Father’s house?”


No doubt Mary and Joseph stopped at many places searching for Jesus before they found Him in the Temple, where He was learning from God’s Word at the feet of a group of Jewish rabbis.   It’s just as possible for us to be looking for Jesus in our daily lives, but not finding Him because we’re looking in all the wrong places too.   Of course, Jesus never hides from us.   We can always find Him in His Word, in the Sacraments, as well as in this house of worship – where we enjoy the privilege of engaging in Christian fellowship and receiving the Spiritual encouragement of our fellow believers in Christ.     And so, each day, let’s be sure to do an assessment of our Spiritual lives to make sure that we remain close to Jesus, just as He promises to remain with us always.


In this morning’s Epistle Lesson Jesus speaks to the congregation in Ephesus through its “messenger” (or, pastor).  On the one hand, He commends their steadfast faithfulness in the face of persecution and false teaching.   On the other hand, He rebukes them because they “have forsaken your first love” – namely, they were not as “in love” with Him as their Lord and Savior as they once had been.  Jesus’ rebuke is a gracious one, as He is calling them to repent and return to a more consistently committed, loving relationship with Him.


Our Gospel Lesson is Jesus’ familiar parable that is alternately known as “the Prodigal Son,” “the Waiting Father,” and “the Unforgiving Brother.”   For our purposes today, we want to see ourselves particularly in the character of the once-lost, but ultimately-reconciled prodigal son.  He abused his father and subsequently squandered his inheritance.   Only when totally destitute, did he finally come to his senses, repent of his sin and return to the forgiving, open arms of his waiting father (Who, of course, represents our heavenly Father). 


Finally, in our Children’s Lesson we’ll talk about why Jesus came into our world…..to rescue all of us who were “lost” in our sins and who were headed to hell…..before He saved us for heaven.




A Word Of Welcome To Our Guests . . . Good morning and welcome to Grace Lutheran Church.  We’re pleased that you’ve chosen to be a part of our worshiping assembly this morning.  Whether you are a guest today or a member of this Christian family, your presence at this service is sincerely appreciated.  It is our wish that the time you spend here will be enjoyable and spiritually edifying, and so it is our desire to serve you in the best way we can.  If there is anything that we might do to assist you in your worship today, please speak with one of our ushers or our Pastor.  They will be pleased to serve you in any way they can.

     Following the worship service this morning, we invite you to join those around you for some coffee, refreshments, and good conversation in our gymnasium/fellowship hall.   If you are able, we would also be honored to have you remain after today’s fellowship time in order that you might further hear and study the Scriptures with us in our Bible Class or Sunday School classes.  And, finally, we hope that you will come back soon to again praise the Lord with us.  May God bless you and your worship of Him today.




About Our Worship Service . . . . . The order for our worship service is printed in this service bulletin.   You will find that our worship is made up of three essential ingredients:  praise, instruction from God’s Word, and prayer.   We sing our praisesto God for all of His gracious blessings.   We receive instruction from His Word in our various Scripture Lessons and through the Sermon.  Our prayers consist of expressions of our repentance for our sins, plus requests for God’s forgiveness, guidance, and continued blessings.   A few additional brief explanations of how we worship may be helpful.   The congregation in worship (we are not part of an audience, but participants in the action of worshiping) generally are seated to listen to God’s Word and sing the regular hymns.   The pastor faces the congregation when he is serving as God’s spokesman.  He faces the altar both when he is serving in the capacity of the congregation’s spokesman, and when he joins the congregation as a fellow worshiper.   One final note:  Because Jesus is our Lord and King as well as our Savior and Redeemer, we customarily stand out of respect for the words of Jesus during the reading of the Gospel Lesson.




About Our Congregation . . . . . . . Grace Lutheran Church is a fellowship of families and individuals who have found the Lord Jesus Christ to be the only safe and reliable answer to all of life’s problems and critical questions.   We are members of the WELS, or the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.  Wisconsin indicates the geographical origin of a group of Christians (organized in Milwaukee, WI in 1850) who believe, teach, and confess that the Bible is the inspired and error-free Word of God, and who are united in their efforts to proclaim Christ crucified and risen for the forgiveness of sins.   Evangelical declares that we believe and proclaim the great Gospel principles of the Bible that sinners are saved by Grace alone,  through Faith alone,  in Christ Jesus alone,  on the basis of Scripture alone.      Lutheran indicates that we hold to the historic Christian faith of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, almost lost to the Church at one time before God restored it through the Lutheran Reformation.   Synod states that we are part of a gathering of over 1200 Christian congregations throughout the United States plus congregations in 26 other nations, all of which “walk together” for the express purpose of serving and sharing the Good News about our gracious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.




The portions of God’s Word used in this worship flyer have been taken from The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version    Copyright 2019,   The Wartburg Project, Inc.   All rights reserved.   Used with permission.

Music and lyrics, as needed, are used with permission via OneLicense.net #A712831




Pre-Service Prayer

Dear Father in heaven, You have brought me safely to the beginning of a new week in my life.   Enable me, through Your Holy Spirit, to dedicate my worship, my work, my leisure time, my very life to serving You with all that I am and possess.    Responding to the love which You have shown me in Christ Jesus, my Savior, help me to seize every opportunity this morning and every day of this week to grow in Your Word, to spiritually encourage and enjoy the fellowship of those around me today, and to live a life of Christian faithfulness and gratitude to You as the God Who enriches me in so countless ways, and Who – for Jesus’ sake – has granted me the undeserved gift of everlasting life in heaven, by your grace, through faith.     In the name of Your Son, my Lord and Redeemer, I humbly offer this prayer.   Amen.




A Service of Praise and Celebration




Prayer upon entering the sanctuary

Pre-service Music


Pre-Worship Hymn Singing, beginning at 9:25 a.m.                                                                                         


We Praise Our God



Service Introduction and Invitation to Worship


after which the Congregation will rise for


The Invocation


Pastor                   We begin this service in the name of the Father


Congregation Who gave us our lives through His almighty power.


P:         And of the Son


     C:        Who redeemed our lives with His precious blood.


     P:         And of the Holy Spirit


     C:        Who gave us eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus.


     P:         Amen.



Our Psalm Reading for Today                                                                                                           Psalm 32


P:  How blessed is the one whose rebellious acts are forgiven, whose sin is pardoned.

C: How blessed is the one whose wrongdoing the Lord does not punish, +  in whose spirit there is no deceit.


P:  When I refused to confess my sin,  my whole body wasted away,

     while I groaned in pain all day long.

C: For day and night You tormented me;    +   You tried to destroy me  in the intense heat of summer.


P:  Then I confessed my sin;   I no longer covered up my wrongdoing.

C: I said, “I will confess my rebellious acts to the Lord.”   +   And then You forgave my sins.


P:  For this reason every one of Your faithful followers should pray to You while there is a window of opportunity.

C: Certainly when the surging water rises, it will not reach them.


P:  You are my hiding place;    You protect me from distress.  

C: You surround me with shouts of joy from those celebrating deliverance.


P:  I will instruct and teach you about how you should live.

C: I will advise you as I look you in the eye.


P:  Do not be like an unintelligent horse or mule,  which will not obey you unless they are controlled by a bridle and bit.

C: An evil person suffers much pain,  but the Lord’s faithfulness overwhelms the one who trusts in Him.


P:  Rejoice in the Lord and be happy, you who are godly!

C: Shout for joy, all you who are morally upright!



after which the Congregation will be seated for


The Opening Hymn                                                                                     “God Is Here Among His People”

                                                                          sung to the melody of “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus” cwh 2000


God is here among His people!   As we join in praise and prayer,

May we find in fuller measure, Jesus’ grace which we all share.

Here, though in the world abiding, as God’s children set apart,

We rejoice to join together, one in faith, in love, in heart.


Here the Means of Grace remind us of our life-long need for grace.

Here are altar, font, and pulpit;  

here Christ’s cross has central place.

Here in faithful Bible preaching, here in silence and in songs,

Here the Spirit, edifying, heart-felt joy in us prolongs.


Here our children find in Baptism   entry to the Shepherd’s fold;

Here, in Sacramental Union,   Christ sustains us, young and old.

Here the servants of the Servant, seek in worship to explore

What it means in daily living, to believe and to adore.


Lord of all, the Church and Kingdom,

 in an age of change and doubt,

Keep us faithful to all Scripture;   Help us work Your purpose out.

Here, in bringing praise and off’rings, all we have to give, receive;

We who cannot live without You, We adore You!   We believe!”      Amen.


after which the Congregation will rise as


We Make Confession Of Our Sins To God


Pastor      Brothers and sisters in Christ:    the Word of God urges us to confess to our Lord all our sins of thought, word, and action.   This is something that ought to be daily part of our spiritual lives, and should come forth from every heart that is humble and penitent.    But we should especially do this when we meet together in His house to thank God for all that He has done for us, to praise Him, and to hear His life-giving Word.  Therefore, come with me now, to our Heavenly Father’s throne of grace, and let us confess our sins together.


Congregation       Miserable person that I am,   +   I confess and lament to You, O most holy God,  +   that I  am a weak and sinful creature,  +  guilty of every sin, of unbelief, and of blasphemy. +   I also confess that Your Word has not brought forth good fruit in me.   +   I hear it, but do not receive it earnestly.   +   I do not show works of love toward my neighbor.   +   I am full of anger, hate, and envy.   +   I am impatient, greedy, and bent on every evil.   +   Therefore my heart and conscience are heavy.   +   Lord, I ask You, free me from my sins,   +  strengthen my faith,   +   and comfort my weak conscience by Your divine Word,  +   that I may obtain Your promised grace.


Pastor            Having humbly and sincerely confessed your sins before Almighty God, now be strengthened in your faith, mindful that our Lord is not willing that anyone should perish eternally, but that everyone should come to repentance, turning from their evil ways and receiving from Him everlasting life.    God has commanded His ministers to declare His forgiveness of sins to all who are penitent.   Therefore, rest assured that your sins have been fully covered by the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ your Savior.  May the peace of God rest upon all of you.   In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


Now, in the peace of God’s forgiveness, let us together praise our gracious and glorious Lord!


The Congregation responds                                                                           “All Glory Be To God On High”

                                                                                sung to the melody of “Almighty Father, Strong To Save” (CW 517)

All glory be to God on high!   We praise, we thank, we glorify,

And worship You, Who gives earth peace,  

Whose love and favor never cease.

Lord God, our King, on heaven’s throne, Our Father, the Almighty One.


O Lord, the Sole-begotten One.    Lord Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son,

O Lamb of God, You take away    The sin of all,   now hear us pray.

You rule at God’s right hand this day,  

Have mercy on us, Lord, we pray.


You only are the Holy One;   O’er all things You are Lord alone.

O Jesus Christ, we glorify You only as the Lord Most High,

Who with the Spirit e’er shall be    One in the Father’s majesty.     Amen.




The Prayer For This Morning


O Almighty God,   +   Who alone can transform the unruly wills    +  and selfish affections of sinful mankind;   +   Grant unto us, Your people,   +   the desire to love those things which You command,   +   and the faith to confidently believe   +  what You promise us in Your Word;    +  so that, in the midst of the many changes that take place    +    in this world in which we live,   +  our hearts might always be firmly fixed     +  on You and Your Word,   +  in which alone, now and forevermore, +    the believer can find true and lasting joy,    +  ;    all this we humbly ask in the name   +  and through the merits   +   of Jesus Christ, Your Son our Lord,   +     Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,     +    one God, now and forever.    Amen. 



After which the Congregation will be seated


We Hear God’s Word


The Epistle Lesson                                                                                                                  Revelation 2:1-7


To the messenger of the church in Ephesus write: “The One Who holds the seven stars in His right hand, Who walks among the seven gold lampstands, says this:


2 I know your works, your labor, and your patient endurance, and that you are not able to tolerate evil people. You have tested those who say they are apostles, but are not, and have found them to be liars. 3 Indeed, you do have patient endurance. You have endured hardships on account of my name and have not become weary.


4 But I have this against you: You have forsaken your first love.   5 Remember, therefore, the state from which you have fallen! Repent and do the works you did at first. Otherwise I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, if you do not repent.   6 But you do have this: You hate the actions of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.    


7 Whoever has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious I will give the privilege to eat from the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God.



After which the Congregation will please rise, out of respect for the words of Christ



The Gospel Lesson                                                                                                                     Luke 15:11-32


11 Jesus said, “A certain man had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered together all that he had and traveled to a distant country. There he wasted his wealth with reckless living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need. 15 He went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. 16 He would have liked to fill his stomach with the carob pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.


17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, and I am dying from hunger! 18 I will get up, go to my father, and tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.”’


20 “He got up and went to his father. While he was still far away, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, hugged his son, and kissed him. 21 The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’


22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick, bring out the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let us eat and celebrate, 24 because this son of mine was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found.’ Then they began to celebrate.


25 “His older son was in the field. As he approached the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 He called one of the servants and asked what was going on. 27 The servant told him, ‘Your brother is here! Your father killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and sound.’ 28 The older brother was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and began to plead with him.


29 “He answered his father, ‘Look, these many years I’ve been serving you, and I never disobeyed your command, but you never gave me even a young goat so that I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours arrived after wasting your property with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him!’


31 “The father said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. 32 But it was fitting to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found.’”


After which the Congregation may be seated for



The Apostles’ Creed                                                                  to “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” (CW411)


I believe in God the Father,   Maker of the heav’ns and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, our Savior, God’s own Son, of human birth.

Virgin born, the Lord incarnate,    Whom the Spirit did conceive,

Suffered under Pontius Pilate;     Our salvation to achieve.


Crucified, was dead and buried,    Down to hell in victory;

From the dead He rose the third day;    Up to heav’n triumphantly.

There at God’s right hand He’s ruling,     By His will the world is led.

He will come to judge the nations,    Both the living and the dead.


I believe in God the Spirit,    In His Church, His chosen band.

They are joined in close communion,    Holy in His sight they stand.

I believe in sins forgiven;    That the dead will rise again;

I believe in life eternal.    Amen!   Amen!   A – – men!



The Children’s Lesson                                                                                                                     Luke 19:10

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”


We Were Lost, But Jesus Saved Us



The Sermon Hymn                                                                              “Almighty God, My Sins Were Great”

                                                                                                    447447 D (“O Herre Gott” CW204)   cwh, 2008


Almighty God, my sins were great,    My conscience did condemn me;

For I had found, that in this state    No one had power to aid me.

I fled from You   in my despair    And if you, lost had left me,

 My guilt would yet be with me there    And peace still be denied me.


Your mercy, Lord,   I don’t deserve     But, in Your grace, still grant me

   Forgiveness free – my soul preserve.   For Jesus has redeemed me.

Your Spirit’s aid    I dearly need –  To see my sins more clearly,

And to repent   of each misdeed      For which Christ suffered for me.


Your Means of Grace,   Lord, I will crave   

That I might be more faithful.

You gave Your life,   my soul to save      Dear Jesus, I’m so grateful!

So, curb my heart.   Forgive my sin.    

Please make my faith much firmer.

  Lord,  keep me pure, without, within –    As I live for You, Savior.    Amen.



The Greeting

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge

of God, and of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Sermon Text                                                                                                                                  Luke 2:41-52


41 Every year His parents traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. 42 When He was twelve years old, they went up according to the custom of the Festival. 43 When the days had ended, as they were returning, the Boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it. 44 Since they thought He was in their group, they went a day’s journey. Then they began to look for Him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem, searching for Him.


46 After three days they found Him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. 48 When His parents saw Him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have You treated us this way? See, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You.”


49 He said to them, “Why were you looking for Me? Did you not know that I must be taking care of My Father’s business?” 50 They did not understand what He was telling them.


51 He went down with them and came to Nazareth. He was always obedient to them. And His mother treasured up all these things in her heart. 52 Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.


Is Jesus Missing In Your Life?


following the sermon the Congregation will REMAIN SEATED for


The Post-Sermon Blessing


May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, Who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.  Amen.


We Offer Our Gifts to the Lord


Our Offerings of Love to our Lord


Offerings will be received this morning through offering plates passed among those who have gathered here for worship.     However, for those viewing this service online,  we offer you the following suggestions for providing God with Your thank-offerings through our ministry:     

1) You can mail a check (no cash, please) to our church address

 (415 N. 6th Place, Lowell, AR 72745); or

2) You can donate through our website:  www.gracelutherannwa.com


after the offerings are brought forward, the Congregation will rise for

We Offer Our Prayers to the Lord


Today’s Special Prayers


Included in our prayers this morning are:

Prayers of Intercession for:

Tim Pfortmiller  (who will have eye surgery this Tuesday, and who is also receiving treatments for cancer;   and for

Lesa Roe, who is recovering from hip surgery;

and also

A Prayer of Thanksgiving for

Wilma Jean and Rob Carr, who will celebrate their wedding

anniversary this coming Wednesday

Our Prayers for the Day


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name;   Thy kingdom come;  Thy will be done  on earth as it is in heaven;    Give us this day our daily bread;    And forgive us our trespasses,    as we forgive those who trespass against us;     And lead us not into temptation;     But deliver us from evil;  For Thine is the kingdom,  and the power,  and the glory,   forever and ever.  Amen.



We Leave With The Lord’s Blessing

The Closing Salutation

Pastor                   May the Lord be with you.

Congregation –    And also with you.

The Doxology

Pastor      Now, to Him Who is able to keep you from falling  and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy

Congregation to the only God, our Savior,   be glory, majesty, power and authority,    through Jesus Christ our Lord,   before all ages,    now and forevermore!  Amen.

The Benediction

The LORD bless you and keep you.

The LORD make His face to shine upon You and be gracious unto you,

The LORD look upon you with favor,  and grant you His peace.   Amen.



The Closing Hymn                                                                                                            “O Dearest Friend”

                                                                                                           text by Jaraslov Vajda, MorningStar Music

                                                                                                     used with permission, OneLicense.net A712831

O Dearest Friend, my kindest and most faithful Friend,

Do not discard me,   Though I grieve You much.

I look for You, at ev’ry cliff-walled trail’s end,

In crowds and lonely rooms, to feel Your touch.

I mourn the vows of love I made, but have not kept,

I call You from a heart You made Your own.

Remember me, as one who in the garden slept

While You were on Your way   to earn my fadeless crown.


Create in me   a heart that’s clean as newest born,

A heart, my God, that beats for You alone.

Make it a temple Your free spirit would adorn,

With living flesh   replace my heart of stone.

Restore to me   the joy of Your salvation,

Recapture, Oh, the thrill of our first love.

Securely hold me,   mold me, Your creation,

Delight me yet again with Your disarming love.

Silent Prayer, Announcements

Post-Service Music