The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Sunday    October 13, 2024

also the Twenty-second Sunday of the Pentecost Season


The portions of God’s Word used in this worship flyer have been taken from The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version    Copyright 2019,    The Wartburg Project, Inc.   All rights reserved.   Used with permission Music and lyrics, as needed, are used with permission via #A712831


This morning: A New Service/Sermon Series Starts

“Seven Popular Heresies and

False Teachings Taught in Churches Today”


            From now through the end of November, we’re going to be focusing our attention on seven subtle, and not-so-subtle, heresies and false teachings that are becoming increasingly popular and prevalent among so-called christian churches today.   The first thing to note is that in using the word “heresy,” we mean teachings that so thoroughly distort the truths of God’s Word that embracing them destroys faith.    Some false teachings, of course, are not faith-destroying heresies, but they are  nevertheless serious rejections of God’s truths, and so should be soundly rejected by all faithful Christians.    When churches that identify themselves as “Christian” teach heresy and/or tolerate false teaching, those institutions should be branded as unfaithful.   They also ought to be avoided by anyone committed to the truths of God’s Word (and shouldn’t e all be committed to all of God’s Word all the time?).            The “popular” heresies and false teachings we’ll be examining and – on the basis of Scripture – refuting in the coming weeks are:   1)   October 13 (today) – Religious Pluralism…..the lie that all religions are equal, and that all faiths worship the same God;    2) October 20 – Antinomianism….the practical rejection of God’s Law, and the popular notion that “I can live however I want.”    3) October 27 – Legalism….the heresy that God’s favor and eternal life must be earned by man’s effort.    4) November 3 – The false Gospel of Prosperity…..that God will give you materially whatever you want.    5) November 10 – The Lie that the believer’s Soul “Sleeps” at death….instead of going directly to heaven.    6) November 17 – The Fabrication of Annihilation…..that the lost don’t go to hell, because it doesn’t exist;   they just cease to exist.    And, finally, November 24 – The heresy of Universalism…..that everybody goes to heaven.

            Please plan to be a part of all these services…..and please do invite your friends and acquaintances to join you here at Grace Lutheran as we worship and learn from our LORD – particularly those people you know who might have been deceived to embrace one or more of these popular, yet false, beliefs.   But right now, let’s prepare for today by examining the questions:


What Is Religious Pluralism…..and Why Is It So Dangerous?


Religiously-speaking, in general our United States is a pluralistic society.   It’s not uncommon in many communities to have a Christian church, a Jewish synagogue, a Moslem mosque, or other religious houses of worship all near each other. This right to practice ones faith – no matter what that faith is – is enshrined in our Constitution.   We call it “freedom of religion,” and it’s why we, as Christians, can practice our faith freely, without fear or government interference.   Within those “Constitutional confines,” religious pluralism can be a beneficial concept.

            However, religious pluralism can also be a bad concept… fact, it can actually be something damnable…..when it is defined (as many do today) as the false belief that all religions are equal before “god,” and that every faith – in its own way – leads to “heaven.” 

            In this second sense, “religious pluralism” rejects the exclusivity of any one belief system as the only true faith (and only source of eternal salvation).    As it is practiced – or viewed – by many “religious” people (including an increasing number of people who call themselves “Christian”), “religious pluralism“ is inherently inclusive.    Now, please keep in mind that this second conception of religious pluralism does not simply mean that all religions enjoy equal protection under the laws of our country – which means that every religious group has the right under our Constitution to practice its faith without restriction.    Instead, this “second” manifestation of “religious pluralism” implies that every “religion” worships the same “god” (albeit according to different traditions and through different belief systems), and so that ultimately each religion will take its adherents to the same eternal goal…..hence the view that “all faiths/religions lead to heaven.”

            Now, if you look closely at this second definition of religious pluralism, some of its aspects don’t make sense, logically-speaking.   For example, practically-speaking, for someone to declare that every paved or gravel road ultimately leads a vehicle to the same place is both illogical…..and impossible to achieve.   Consider for a moment what would happen if I asked you for directions from Northwest Arkansas to Dallas, Texas, and you told me to take any road I chose, promising that I would get there no matter how I went.   Not only is that not true, but it also defies logic.   If I followed that advice, I could end up anywhere….but most likely I would not wind up in Dallas, TX.   Just as not all roads lead to Dallas, even so not all “religious” paths lead to the truth, to the one true God and to eternal life in heaven.  

            There are many things that make the Bible absolutely unique and essential for someone to know the true God and to enjoy eternal salvation.   One of them is that the Holy Scriptures categorically condemns today’s popular concept of religious pluralism as “the great equalizer” of the various faiths.   The Bible unquestioningly denies that all religions ultimately worship the same god (…just by different names and traditions….) and that, finally, they all lead to the same place.   God has made that very clear in passages like Isaiah 45:5…..“I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God.”    We find the same truth also expressed in Psalm 86:10…..”For You are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God.”

            In making exclusive statements like the above, God’s Word does acknowledge that many people will worship other (false) gods, but it never approves such worship.   Throughout the Old Testament, the LORD repeatedly warned the children of Israel against being enticed to worship the illegitimate gods of the heathen nations that surrounded them.   Despite those serious, yet gracious, warnings, like the one found in Deuteronomy 6:13-14 (“Fear the Lord your God, serve Him only and take your oaths in His name.   Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you”)…..too often the Israelites compromised the faith God had given them and instead embraced the worship of pagan deities.   For them the consequences of their refusal to embrace the truth about God’s exclusivity were nothing short of devastating.

            As twenty-first century Christians we cannot ignore or diminish those lessons God teaches us in the Old and New Testaments, where our LORD calls to us to remain exclusively faithful to Him…..or else!   The one, true God expects every one of His followers to recognize and value the exclusivity of the faith He has transmitted to us through His Holy Spirit.   Jesus made this abundantly clear throughout His public ministry:   there simply are not multiple paths to Spiritual truth, and so,  to God.   In one of the most exclusive statements in the Bible (John 14:6…’s Sermon Text), Jesus declared about Himself, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  It doesn’t get any clearer than that!

            Of course, that truth presents a massive – and insurmountable – problem for tolerant and inclusive “Christian preachers” (as well as their followers) who embrace today’s increasingly popular concept of religious pluralism.    If what Scripture (and Jesus, in particular) teaches is true…..and it is !! …..then these advocates of religious pluralism have compromised (as well as out-and-out rejected) the God of the Bible’s insistence that He – alone – is the true God, and that everything else men worship are idols.  Ultimately it will lead anyone who believes such lies – not to heaven, but – to hell.    And no matter how “tolerant” and “socially/politically-correct” these views might be, as orthodox (true-teaching) Christians we must reject what they teach and do our best to proclaim, instead, the exclusive truths of our Christian faith, as contained in the Word of God.  

            Then again, doing so…. standing up for God’s truth and the exclusivity of salvation by grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ alone….will be challenging and challenged by many.   Our society, including the “false christian church,” will attack us as “narrow-minded bigots” ….among other derogatory names…..when we reject “religious pluralism” (as we must do).   Nevertheless, it is critical for us to face whatever challenges our society and the false church hurl our way by standing up for the truth about our God being the only true God, and His Word being the only source of religious truth.    What our Christian faith teaches about God and salvation is not only unique, but also exclusive.   And so our adhering to and proclaiming to others the true Christian faith is absolutely necessary for the benefit of our society, as well as for the salvation of souls, and for the glory of our one true God.   Far beyond the fact that we have the “legal right” to express our faith according to our nation’s Constitution, you and I have a calling and mandate from the LORD to correct false teachers and false believers, and to make it known – no matter how our culture treats us – that there is one, and only one, way to eternal life in heaven, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Brother, Who was perfect for the credit of us sinners and sacrificed for our sins, and Who conquered sin, death and Satan for us through His bodily resurrection.   Those who believe that have been saved and will enjoy eternal life in heaven.   Those who are pluralistic, as well as those who believe anything other than what the orthodox Christian faith teaches will be eternally lost…..not because we “say” so, but because God has said so.   And He does not lie (….unlike many, many false teachers do).

            Here is the reality that we have to acknowledge as orthodox, Bible-believing Christians:  You cannot call yourself a faithful Christian if you embrace today’s popular, inclusive, all-religions-are-equally-valid world-view…..even if it is taught or tolerated in some of today’s so-called “christian” churches.   Jesus never taught that, but instead clearly condemned it.    Jesus explicitly declared Himself to be the ONLY way to God the Father, as well as to everlasting life in heaven.    His name is the only name by which anyone can be saved.   And no matter what lies others might teach or tolerate….or how popular and socially acceptable their false teachings might be (even inside the public “christian” arena)……those of us who know the truth cannot stop believing or proclaiming that truth.   While God wants everyone to be saved and sent His Son to be the Savior of the world, the only road to eternal life in heaven goes through Jesus Christ.   Every other road leads to everlasting condemnation and suffering in hell. 

            I’d like to make one more point.    One of the great dangers that religious pluralism presents is that it typically produces something known as “syncretism.”   Syncretism results when a person (or church) “blends” a variety of different religious teachings into something new and – supposedly – acceptable to the majority.   Eventually syncretism evolves into the belief that “all truth is relative” to an individual’s (or group’s) preferences, and so “there is no such thing as ‘absolute truth.’”    Consequently, no matter how “tolerant” and “socially acceptable” religious syncretism might seem be (on the surface),  it is finally just another damnable product of the world’s greatest liar, the “father of lies”…..none other than Satan (John 8:44).   Ultimately he is behind every false teaching and heresy – including “religious pluralism’s” beliefs that “all religions are equal” and that “all faiths lead to the same god.”  

            Of course, in one sense that is true.    Other than orthodox, Bible-believing Christianity, all other faiths do lead to the same false god:   Satan…..and to the same place…..hell.

            So, how should we, as Christians, respond to religious pluralism?   We need to recognize it as a serious threat to salvation.   But our response needs to be simple.   You and I need to keep affirming and embracing the truth from God’s Word.   And then we must consistently, without compromise and without hesitation, proclaim that truth to others as God gives us the opportunity (and He will give us those opportunities)!   More than ever, you and I must be certain of what we believe on the basis of God’s Word alone….and we must avoid and reject all beliefs and ideas to the contrary (Romans 16:17-18).  

            Keeping in mind that caution, as orthodox Christians, to hold on to God’s truth and to avoid Satan’s deceptions, I want to encourage each of you to bring the saving truths of God’s Word to everyone you can reach…..from those so-called “tolerant christians” who favor “religious pluralism,” to people adhering to the many non-Christian faiths who are all around us.   Jesus has given us the mandate to “disciple” (teach) all nations.   Well, we can’t do that if we don’t go to others with the exclusive Word of truth that is the Scriptures.   After all, as Romans 10:17 tells us “faith comes through hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.”    Consequently, we wouldn’t dare isolate ourselves from the many people who believe differently from us.   Instead, we’ll want to build relationships with others that – hopefully and prayerfully – eventually will open doors for us to present God’s Law and Gospel to them.   Then the Holy Spirit will do the rest of the work.    After all, our LORD Jesus Christ has called every one of us to be “salt”and “light” for Him (Matthew 5:13-16).    So, don’t keep your “salt” in a saltshaker, where it will have no effect on others.   Don’t hide our faith under a basket.   Instead let your light shine.   Be God’s “salt” and let Him use you to make a difference for Him in the lives of others, and for the salvation of their souls.

            In closing, since we still have the Constitutional “right” to practice and proclaim our faith as orthodox Christians in this pluralistic society in which we’re living,  let’s all ask our LORD, through our daily prayers, to empower each of us with His Spirit, as well as for the Spirit to implant His Word of truth more deeply in our hearts and mouths.   May He also enable each of us to be useful as He saves some of the souls He leads us to encounter every day, souls who have embraced the various false religious ideologies that are representative of today’s religiously pluralistic culture here in America. 


Today’s Scripture Lessons


            In this morning’s Old Testament Lesson Moses directs the Children of Israel that, when they enter the Promised Land, they are to obey all (and only) the commands that God gives them.   Specifically, after God destroys the Canaanites, Moses warns them not to begin to worship their false gods.   The spiritual ways of the Canaanites – even including human sacrifices  – were detestable to God.    So, the LORD makes it clear that the Canaanites do not know or properly worship Him.   Therefore, He will never accept their worship practices as legitimate.

            Our Epistle Lesson for today comes from the inspired pen of the Apostle Paul.   Here he speaks about how the true God has made Himself known to everyone through His powerful activity of creating and sustaining the world.    And He expects everyone to honor Him according to how He has revealed Himself, but many people won’t do that.   Instead, they fashion fabricated “gods” what are nothing – and worship them in a degrading manner.   Consequently the true God has rejected them, because they have embraced the lie of idolatry.

            The Gospel Lesson before us is part of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus.   Here our Savior points to His upcoming crucifixion (“the Son of Man must be lifted up”) as the means for the world’s salvation.   Specifically, Jesus says, God the Father sent Him into the world to save it.   Everyone who believes in Him as the Son of God and their Savior will receive everlasting life in heaven.   Everyone who does not believe in Him (and many people prefer the “darkness” of unbelief) is evil and will be condemned eternally.

            Finally our Children’s Lesson Jesus warns us about false teachers, who are only fit to be destroyed because of their unbelief.  (The same is true of their followers).   The point He makes here is that not everyone is going to go to heaven.    Only those who believe in Him as their God and Savior will end up being there.




Pre-service Silent Prayer  Heavenly Father, please guide me in wisdom and truth through Your Holy Spirit, as I spend this hour meditating on Your Word and rejoicing in Your limitless love for me.  Assist me in being attentive in heart and mind to Your Word, as well as to the hymns of praise, the various petitions, and the prayers of thanksgiving my voice directs toward You.  Use this worship service, O Lord, to deepen my love for You, to strengthen my trust in You, and to renew my commitment to You.  All this I ask for the sake of and in the name of Your One and only Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior.  Amen.




The portions of God’s Word used in this worship flyer have been taken from The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version    Copyright 2019,  

The Wartburg Project, Inc.   All rights reserved.   Used with permission

Music and lyrics, as needed, are used with permission via #A712831


Prayer upon entering the sanctuary                                                                                      Pre-service Music

Let Us Praise The Lord


The Greeting and Invitation to Worship

following which, at the invitation of the Pastor,

the Congregation will rise for the invocation


The Invocation


P:         We begin this service in the name of the Father


Congregation  Who gave us our lives through His almighty power.


P:         And of the Son

C:         Who redeemed our lives with His precious blood.


P:         And of the Holy Spirit

C:         Who gave us eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus.


P:         Amen.



The Psalm for Today                                                                                                                          Psalm 115


P:         Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory,  because of Your mercy,  because of Your truth.


C:         Why should the nations say,  “So where is their God now?”

P:         In fact, our God is in the heavens.  He does everything that pleases Him.


C:         Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands.   +   They have a mouth, but they do not speak.    +  They have eyes, but they do not see.

P:         They have ears, but they do not hear.  They have a nose, but they do not smell.

C:         Their hands—they do not even feel.   +   Their feet—they do not even walk around.   +   They do not even make a sound with their throats.    +   Those who make them will be like them,    +    and so will all who trust in  them.


P:         Israel, trust in the Lord— He is their help and their shield.

C:         House of Aaron, trust in the Lord— He is their help and their shield.

P:         You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord— He is their help and their shield.

C:         The Lord remembers us. He will bless.   +   He will bless the house of Israel.   +   He will bless the house of Aaron. +   He will bless those who fear the Lord    the small with the great.

P:         May the Lord add blessings to you,  to you and to your children.

C:         May you be blessed by the Lord, +   the Maker of heaven and earth.


P:         The heavens are heavens for the Lord,  but the earth He gave to the children of Adam.

C:         It is not the dead who praise the Lord, +  nor any of those who go down to silence,

P:         but we are the ones who bless the Lord,   from now to eternity.

C:         Praise the Lord.


after which the Congregation will be seated for



Opening Hymn                                                               Hymn 340 “Oh, For A Thousand Tongues To Sing”

                                                                                                                                                 sung antiphonally

Verse 1 – Entire congregation


Verse 2 – women and girls                Verse 3 – men and boys


Verse 4 – Pulpit side              Verse 5 – Lectern side


Verse 6 – Entire congregation



1 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing

My great Redeemer’s praise,

The glories of my God and King,

The triumphs of his grace!


2 My gracious Master and my God,

Assist me to proclaim,

To spread through all the earth abroad,

The honors of your name.


3 The name of Jesus calms our fears

And bids our sorrows cease.

‘Tis music in the sinners ears;

‘Tis life and health and peace.


4 He breaks the pow’r of canceled sin;

He sets the pris’ner free.

His blood can make the foulest clean;

His blood avails for me.


5 See all your sins on Jesus laid;

The Lamb of God was slain.

His life was once an off’ring made

That you might live again.


6 Glory to God and praise and love

Be ever, ever giv’n

By saints below and saints above,

The Church in earth and heav’n.



after which the Congregation will rise



Hear Us and Forgive Us, Lord


Pastor                We have come together to worship the Triune God.


Congregation    He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


P: –           Jesus said, “Wherever two or three come together in My name, there am I with them.”

C: –           “The LORD Almighty is with us.  The God of Jacob is our Refuge.”


P: –           “But who may come into His presence?   And who may call on Him for help?”

C: –           “He whose walk is blameless   +   and who does what is righteous.”


P: –           “Who speaks the truth from his heart,  and who has no slander on his tongue.”

C: –           “Who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellow man.”


P: –           “Who keeps His oath even when it hurts.”

C: –           “Who honors those who fear the Lord.”



We Make Confession Of Our Sins To God


Pastor            Brothers and sisters in Christ:    the Word of God urges us to confess to our Lord all our sins of thought, word, and action.   This is something that ought to be daily part of our spiritual lives, and

 should come forth from every heart that is humble and penitent. But we should especially do this when we meet together in His house to thank God for all that He has done for us, to praise Him, and to hear His life-giving Word.    Therefore, come with me now, to our Heavenly Father’s throne of grace, and let us confess our sins together.


Congregation       O God our Father,   +   since You have set forth the way of life for us in Your Beloved Son,   +   we

                             confess with shame   +   our slowness to learn of Him,  +   our failure to always follow Him,   +   our reluctance at times to bear the cross for Him.   +    Forgive us the poverty of our worship,   +   our frequent neglect of fellowship   +   and of the Means of Grace,   +   our hesitating and inconsistent witness for Christ,   +  our evasion of our responsibilities in Your service,   +  our imperfect stewardship of Your gifts.   +   Forgive us also,   +   that so little of Your love has reached others through us,  +   that we have often been thoughtless in our judgments,   +   hasty in our condemnation,   +   grudging in forgiving others the way You have forgiven us,   +   and unwilling to serve our neighbors as we ought.   +    Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love;  +  according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions.   +   Wash away all my iniquity  +   and cleanse me from my sin.     


The Song of Penitence                                                                                                              “Create in Me”

                                                                                                                 sung to the melody of “Abide With Me”


Create in me, O God, a spotless heart.

Renew in me a spirit that is right.

And from Your presence, never make me part.

Or take Your Holy Spirit from my sight.


Restore to me, salvation’s joy, O LORD.

Give me a willing spirit;   keep me true.

Then I will teach transgressors in Your Word

And many sinners will turn back to You.



We Receive and Celebrate God’s Absolution


Pastor      Having humbly and sincerely confessed your sins before Almighty God, now be strengthened in your faith, mindful that our Lord is not willing that anyone should perish eternally, but that everyone

 should come to repentance, turning from their evil ways and receiving from Him everlasting life.  God has commanded His ministers to declare His forgiveness of sins to all who are penitent.   Therefore, in the place of, and according to the command of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ, I forgive you all your sins.  In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  May the peace of God rest upon all of you.   Amen.


Now, in the peace of God’s forgiveness, let us together praise our gracious and glorious Lord!


Our Response To God’s Forgiveness


            ALL sing:                                                                                                        “The Gloria in Excelsis”

                                                                                                      to the tune of “My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less”


All glory be to God on high, we praise we thank, we glorify

And worship You, Who gives earth peace,  

Whose love and favor never cease.

O Lord, our King, on heaven’s throne,   Our Father, THE Almighty One.


O LORD, the sole-begotten One, Lord Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son,

O Lamb of God, You take away the sin of all,    Now hear us pray:

You rule at God’s right hand this day.

Have mercy on us, LORD, we pray.


You only are the Holy One.      O’er all things You are LORD alone,

LORD Jesus Christ we glorify You,    Only as the LORD, most high.

Who, with the Spirit, e’er shall be   One in the Father’s majesty.    Amen.



The Payer for the Morning 


Almighty God,    +   grant to Your Church Your Holy Spirit,   +  and the wisdom which comes down from above.   +   Let nothing hinder Your Word   +   from being freely proclaimed    +   to the joy and edifying  of Christ’s holy people,   +  so that we may serve You in steadfast faith    +   and confess Your name as long as we live.   +       We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ,  +  Your Son, our Savior,   +   Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,   +   One God, for ever and ever.  +   Amen


After which the Congregation may be seated


Feed Us, Lord


The Old Testament Lesson                                                                                          Deuteronomy 12:28-32


28 Be careful that you obey all these words that I am commanding you so that it may go well for you and for your children after you in the distant future when you do what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God.


29 When the Lord your God cuts off the nations where you are going and drives them out before you, and when you take possession of their land and settle in it, 30 be careful that you are not snared after they have been destroyed before you. Do not inquire about their gods and ask, “How did these people serve their gods? I also want to do the same thing.”


31 Do not serve the Lord your God in the way that they worship, because they do for their gods every detestable thing that the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in fire for their gods.


32 Be careful to do everything that I am commanding you. Do not add to it, and do not subtract from it.



The Epistle Lesson                                                                                                                  Romans 1:18-25


18 Indeed, God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who try to suppress the truth by unrighteousness. 19 This happens because what can be known about God is evident among them, because God made it evident among them. 20 In fact, His invisible characteristics—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, because they are understood from the things he made. As a result, people are without excuse, 21 because, even though they knew God, they did not honor Him or give Him thanks as God. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, and their senseless heart was darkened.


22 Although they claim to be wise, they have become fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human, or like birds, four-footed animals, and crawling things. 24 So, as they followed the sinful desires of their hearts, God handed them over to the impurity of degrading their own bodies among themselves. 25 Such people have traded the truth about God for the lie, worshipping and serving the creation rather than the Creator, Who is worthy of praise forever. Amen.


After which the Congregation will rise for



The Gospel Lesson                                                                                                                         John 3:14-21


14 “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 so that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. 18 The one who believes in Him is not condemned, but the one who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God. 19 This is the basis for the judgment: The light has come into the world, yet people loved the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. 20 In fact, everyone who practices wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, or else his deeds would be exposed. 21 But the one who does what is true comes toward the light, in order that his deeds may be seen as having been done in connection with God.”



The Apostles’ Creed                                                            to the melody of “What A Friend We Have in Jesus”


I believe in God the Father,   Maker of the heav’ns and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, our Savior, God’s own Son, of human birth.

Virgin born, the Lord incarnate,    Whom the Spirit did conceive,

Suffered under Pontius Pilate;     Our salvation to achieve.


Crucified, was dead and buried,    Down to hell in victory;

From the dead He rose the third day;    Up to heav’n triumphantly.

There at God’s right hand He’s ruling,     By His will the world is led.

He will come to judge the nations,    Both the living and the dead.


I believe in God the Spirit,    In His Church, His chosen band.

They are joined in close communion,    Holy in His sight they stand.

I believe in sins forgiven;    That the dead will rise again;

I believe in life eternal.    Amen!   Amen!   A – – men!



The Children’s Lesson                                                                                                           Matthew 7:15-23


15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. You do not gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles, do you? 17 So then, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 So then, by their fruit you will recognize them. 21 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name and drive out demons in Your name and perform many miracles in Your name?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you evildoers.


Not Everyone Will Go To Heaven



The Hymn of the Day                                                                                      Hymn 356  “You Are The Way”


1 You are the way; through you alone    Can we the Father find;

In you, O Christ, has God revealed    His heart and will and mind.


2 You are the truth; your Word alone    True wisdom can impart.

You only can inform the mind    And purify the heart.


3 You are the life; the empty tomb    Proclaims your conqu’ring arm,

And those who put their trust in you    Not death nor hell shall harm.


4 You are the way, the truth, the life;     Grant us that way to know,

That truth to keep, that life to win    Whose joys eternal flow.



after which the Congregation will rise for


The Pre-Sermon Salutation


Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, our Lord!   May the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.  Amen.



The Sermon Text                                                                                                                based on John 14:6


6 Jesus said to him, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.


Only Christians Go To Heaven….Jesus says so!


after the Sermon, the Congregation will rise for


The Post-Sermon Blessing


May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, Who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, now encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.  Amen.


following which the Congregation will be seated



We Offer Our Gifts to the Lord


We offer you the following suggestions for providing God with Your thank-offerings through our ministry:

1) Those in the chapel can  place their offerings in the offering plates

2) You can send a check (no cash) in the mail to Grace Lutheran Church (415 N. 6th Place, Lowell, AR 72745)

3) Or, go online to our website ( and use the giving option there.


    • The Offering Prayer


      Dear Savior, You have taught us:  “A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”  Teach us to realize more and more that happiness in life does not depend on the number of things we can call our own.  Rather, Jesus, help us to find joy in the uses that we as stewards make of the money, and all of the other resources that You have placed in our hands.  Amen.



      We Bring our Prayers Before Our Lord


      In our prayers this morning we include:

      A Prayer of Intercession for our brother, Tim Pfortmiller,

      who continues to receive treatments for the cancer that afflicts him;

      and for Ruth Strackbein, the mother of our sister, Cynthia Tragasz. Ruth has been placed in hospice care and

      looks forward to entering heaven.

      Today’s Prayer                                                                                                                       concluding with…..


      P:  Also hear us, dear Father, as we take a few moments to silently offer our personal petitions to You.

      A Moment for Silent Prayer  

      P:  And finally, with all our prayers being offered in Jesus’ name, we also join in that special prayer which has been given to us by our Savior:

      C: Our Father, Who art in heaven   Hallowed be Thy name;   Thy kingdom come;  Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;    Give us this day our daily bread;  And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;   And lead us not into temptation;  But deliver us from evil;   For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory   for ever and ever.    Amen.   



      We Leave With The Lord’s Blessing

      The Blessing

      Pastor –          May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,  and the love of God,  and the  fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  Amen.


      the Congregation will be seated for


      The Closing Hymn                                                                                 Hymn 391  “God Loved The World”


      1 God loved the world so that he gave   His only Son the lost to save

      That all who would in him believe   Should everlasting life receive.


      2 Christ is the solid rock of faith,  

      Who was made flesh and suffered death.

      All who confide in him alone    Are built on this chief cornerstone.

      3 God would not have the sinner die–   

      His Son with saving grace is nigh.

      His Spirit in the Word does teach    How we the blessed goal may reach.


      4 Be of good cheer, for God’s own Son  

      Forgives the sins that you have done.

      You’re justified by Jesus’ blood;    Baptized, you are a child of God.


      5 When you are sick, when death draws near,

      This truth your troubled heart can cheer:

      Christ Jesus saves my soul from death–  This is the anchor of my faith!


      6 Glory to God the Father, Son,   And Holy Spirit, Three in One!

      To you, O blessed Trinity,   Be praise now and eternally!

      silent prayer,


      post-service music