January 1, 2023 New Year’s Day
also known as the First Sunday after Christmas
and as, the Day of the Circumcision and Naming of Our Lord
Father, Let Me Dedicate All This Year To You….
What follows are three illustrations that, I believe, fit well the Christian’s transition from one year to the next. The first touches on the topic of avoiding life’s “ruts” and instead pursuing appropriate changes. The second – hopefully with some humor – deals with the challenge of dedicating ourselves to publicly worshiping the Lord on a consistent basis. And the third has to do with New Year’s being a good time to make an “inventory” of our lives, repenting of our sins and focusing on being more productive and useful for our Lord……
First……The U.S. standard railroad gauge (distance between rails) is four feet, eight-and-one-half inches. Why such an odd number? Because that’s the way they built them in England, and American railroads were built by British expatriates. Why did the English adopt that particular gauge? Because the people who built the pre-railroad tramways used that gauge. They in turn were locked into that gauge because the people who built tramways used the same standards and tools they had used for building wagons, which were set on a gauge of four feet, eight-and-one-half inches. Why were wagons built to that scale? Because if they were built to any other size, the wheels would not match the old wheel ruts on the roads. So who built these old rutted roads? The first long-distance highways in Europe were built by Imperial Rome for the benefit of their legions. The roads have been in use ever since. The ruts were first made by Roman war chariots. Four feet, eight-and-one-half inches was the width a Roman chariot needed to be in order to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses.
Maybe “that’s the way it’s always been” isn’t the great excuse for not changing their lives that some people would like to believe it is…..especially as one enters a new year – as we are doing today – with the “natural” opportunity for each of us to make positive changes in our lives…..even if some of those needed changes won’t be comfortable or easy to make.
That being the case, this isn’t the time for you and me to be like the church member – in our second illustration – who sent the following new year’s letter to his pastor:
“Dear Pastor: You often stress that regular attendance at worship is something that is very important for a Christian. However, I think a person has a right to miss a public worship service now and then. In fact, I think that my family and I ought to be excused from physically being in church this coming year, for the following reasons and for the number of times indicated below: New Years (the New Year’s Eve party lasted too long; 1 absence); Easter (time for an early vacation before summer; 2 Sundays); Memorial Day (relatives will be in town; 1 Sunday missing); School closing (kids need a vacation; 1 Sunday); July 4th (our national holiday; one weekend off); Labor Day (we need one last get away before fall comes; 1 Sunday absent); Thanksgiving (we’ll still be tired from all that pie and turkey; another Sunday absence for us); Christmas (the Sunday before & after for traveling to visit family); Family reunions (mine and my wife’s; 2 Sundays gone); Need to sleep-in (because we stayed up too long Saturday night; 9 Sundays excused); Deaths in family (at least two weekends); Our wedding anniversary (a weekend second honeymoon); Sickness (one per family member; 5 Sundays total); Business trips (the boss says I have to trave; 2 Sundays); Family summer vacation (four weeks); Bad weather (ice, snow, rain, clouds; 4 Sundays); Children’s ball games (6 absences); Time change weekends (it’s hard to adjust; both weekends not in church); and, finally, Super Bowl weekend (it’s a lot of work to prepare our annual party).
“Pastor, that leaves four Sundays next year when you’ll be able to rely on our being in church. You can expect us in worship on the 4th Sunday in February, the 3rd Sunday in May; the 2nd Sunday in August, and the 1st Sunday in November……unless God intervenes and we have to miss one or more of those Sundays. Meanwhile, we’ll be with you and our fellow church members in spirit…..even though we can’t be there in person. Have a blessed year!
Sincerely, a Faithful Member”
Finally, there’s this third story for your New Year’s Day consideration……
Before the service began one Sunday morning, a church member said to the pastor, “If you see me fall asleep while you’re preaching, please don’t take it personally. It’s not that your sermon is boring. It’s just that I spent last evening at my place of business, taking inventory of all the products still in our warehouse. I didn’t get to bed until the wee hours of the morning. I discovered a lot of merchandise that I didn’t sell well during this past year. I ended up spending some of that time thinking of how many mistakes I had made ordering products. Some shelves were empty, while others were still full of goods that had not sold. Apparently I had bought too much of what I shouldn’t have and didn’t buy enough of other items that were good sellers.” Then he asked the pastor, “It made me think about my Spiritual life…. and how, at the beginning of this and every other new year, every one of us in church should take a careful inventory of our lives, and determine what to repent of and what to keep on doing better for God.”
This morning’s service theme and sermon hymn
For some people, stepping from December 31 into January 1 is not particularly significant. It’s just another day gone by, just a bit more water under the bridge. After all, what we call “the new year” is only a traditional division, not a real one. Other cultures and calendars start their new year in different places. For example, the Chinese New Year varies, falling each year some time between January 21 and February 21. Being in God’s house with God’s people, bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new one, is a special blessing and privilege. Today as we look back on God’s provisions and blessings over the year just completed, we celebrate His sustaining grace in all the good as well as the difficult times. This morning we also are looking ahead with renewed faith, leaning on the Lord for whatever the future might bring. We also recognize that our time of grace here on earth is extremely brief – compared to eternity – and so we will want to use the time that God gives us as faithfully and productively as possible for our benefit, and for God’s glory.
Lawrence Tuttiett, and English clergyman who lived from 1825 to 1874, certainly believed in that. His hymn, “Father, Let Me Dedicate All This Year To You” not only serves as today’s “service theme,” but also as our sermon hymn. In the words we’ll be singing later, we will be able to express our commitment to starting this new year well, and proceeding through it confidently and faithfully, in ways that serve to glorify and honor the Lord.
Today on the Church Calendar
January 1st is traditionally recognized as the “Eighth Day of Christmas.” Consistent with the Old Testament practice of circumcising Hebrew boys on the eighth day of life (when the child was also given his name and dedicated to the Lord), the Christian Church that follows the historic Christian “Church Year” calendar (as we do) observes January 1st as “The Day of the Circumcision and Naming of our Lord.” In our Children’s Lesson for today we’ll look at two portions of Scripture, one from Luke’s Gospel, and one from Luke’s book of Acts, that deal with the naming of the Savior, and that talk about the significance of the name of Jesus’ for us, who believe in Him.
This Morning’s Other Scripture Lessons
Our Old Testament Lesson today is Solomon’s blessing to the nation of Israel, given on the day of the temple’s dedication. In it he reminds the people of the Lord God’s absolute faithfulness to them. Solomon seeks God’s blessings for his people. And he encourages them to remain fully committed to the Lord throughout their lives.
In this morning’s Epistle Lesson Paul encourages his listeners to “walk,” or live, in Christ, through faith. He urges us to avoid being corrupted by the principles and priorities of the world. Instead, our motivation for Godly living is the Gospel that assures us of forgiveness and salvation in Christ.
Today’s Gospel Lesson is the opening portion of Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal (or “lost”) Son. It presents us with the picture of a person who brought disaster upon himself because he foolishly went his own way. Over this past year, as well as over the course of our lives, our behavior, at times, has paralleled that of the prodigal son. Rather than following the path our Lord has laid out for us, we have gone our own way – often to our disgrace and disappointment. However, the prodigal son realized and repented of his foolish desires and deeds. May we also, as this new year under God’s grace begins, repent of all our sins, with the assurance that our Heavenly Father always forgives us and embraces us as His sons and daughters, in spite of our transgressions.
Finally, through today’s Sermon, based on Paul’s words in Philippians 3, we’ll consider the benefit for us of making a simple, yet encompassing, New Year’s Resolution of being positive about our eternal destination: heaven, by God’s grace, through faith in Christ. That will affect our outlook on life, in general, as well as our outlook regarding our attitude toward the church, and toward others.
The portions of God’s Word used in this worship flyer have been taken from The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version Copyright 2019, The Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission Music and lyrics, as needed, are used with permission via OneLicense.net #A712831
Pre-Service Prayer O Lord God, Almighty Creator, from Whom every good and perfect gift comes, You have bountifully blessed me throughout the days of my life, and particularly across the course of this past year. You have chosen me as Your own – granting me the faith to believe in You. You have also preserved me in that one, true Christian faith through Your Word and Sacrament. You have provided for my bodily needs. And You have protected me from all spiritual harm. For Your abundant goodness to me, I humbly praise and thank You. As I move into this new year, just begun, and for however many days and years that might lie ahead for me, I implore You to continue to bless me with Your abiding presence, Your Fatherly protection, and Your guidance in all areas of my life. I submit myself to Your gracious will, with the confidence that You will use me, as Your humble servant, in whatever ways will serve to further Your glory and Your kingdom. Bless and enrich my faith as I hear Your Word today, and receive my heart-felt praises, prayers, and offerings, in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Savior and Lord. It is in His name that I pray. Amen.
Pre-service prayer
Pre-worship music
Let Us Praise The Lord
The Greeting and Introduction to Worship
The Invocation
Pastor We begin this service in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Psalm Reading for Today Psalm 90
P: Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
C: Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, + from everlasting to everlasting You are God.
P: You turn men back to dust, saying “Return to dust, O sons of men.”
C: For a thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by, + or like a watch in the night.
P: You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence.
C: All our days pass away under Your wrath; + we finish our years with a moan.
P: The length of our days is seventy years — or eighty, if we have the strength;
C: yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, + for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
P: Who knows the power of Your anger? For Your wrath is as great as the fear that is due You.
C: Teach us to number our days aright, + that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
P: Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
C: May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; + Establish the work of our hands for us — + yes, establish the work of our hands !
After which the Congregation will be seated for
Opening Hymn Hymn 441 “O God, our Help, in Ages Past”
1 O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home,
2 Under the shadow of your throne Your saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is your arm alone, And our defense is sure.
3 Before the hills in order stood Or earth received its frame,
From everlasting you are God, To endless years the same.
4 A thousand ages in your sight Are like an evening gone,
Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun.
5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Soon bears us all away;
We fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the op’ning day.
6 O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come,
Still be our guard while troubles last And our eternal home!
After which, the Congregation will be asked to rise for
The Confessional Order of Service
Pastor O LORD, Open my lips.
Congregation – (Sung) And my mouth shall show forth Your praise.
Pastor Hasten, O God, to deliver me.
Congregation – (sung) Hasten to help me, O LORD.
Pastor “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.”
Congregation – (Sung) A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son And to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.
World without end. Amen.
We Make Confession Of Our Sins To God
Pastor I now ask you before God, who searches your heart, do you confess that you have sinned against God and deserve His wrath and punishment? Then declare so by saying, “I do confess.
Congregation – “I do confess.”
Pastor – Truly you should confess, for the Holy Scriptures say, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”
Second, do you, with all your heart, repent of all your sins, committed in thought, word, and deed? Then declare so by saying, “I do repent.”
Congregation – “I do repent.”
Pastor – Truly, you should repent, as other penitent sinners have done: King David, who prayed for a contrite heart; Peter, who wept bitterly; the sinful woman, the prodigal son, and others.
Third, do you sincerely believe that God, by grace, for Jesus’ sake, will forgive you all your sins? Then declare so by saying, “I do believe.”
Congregation – “I do believe.”
Pastor – Truly you should so believe, for the Holy Scriptures say, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Fourth, do you promise that with the help of the Holy Ghost, you will, from this time forward, reform your sinful life? Then declare it by saying, “I do promise.”
Congregation – “I do promise.”
Pastor – Truly, you should so promise, for Christ, the Lord says: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
Finally, do you believe that through me, a called servant of God, you will receive from God the forgiveness of all your sins? Then declare it by saying, “I do believe.
Congregation – “I do believe.”
Pastor – Upon this, your confession, I, because of my office as a called and ordained servant of God’s Word, announce the grace of God to all of you. And, in the place, and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive you all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Peace be with you. Amen.
The Prayer for Today
O Almighty and eternal God, + we pray that You would direct our words, thoughts, and actions + by the power of Your Holy Spirit, + so that we might always please You. + Open our eyes and hearts + that we might confess the Christ Child + as the One and only Redeemer of the whole world – ourselves included. + And graciously give us in this new year + the strength of body and soul + to live each day to the honor of Your glorious name. + All this we seek for the sake of Jesus Christ, + Your Son, our Savior, + Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit + as the One true God, + for ever and ever. + Amen.
After which the Congregation will be seated
We Hear God’s Word
The Old Testament Lesson I Kings 8:54-61
54 When Solomon finished offering all these prayers and pleas for mercy to the Lord, he got up from the altar of the Lord, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven. 55 Then he stood and blessed the whole congregation of Israel with a loud voice:
56 Blessed be the Lord, who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he said he would. Not one word has failed from all his good words which he spoke through Moses his servant. 57 May the Lord our God be with us, just as he was with our fathers. May he never leave us or abandon us. 58 May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to listen to his commands, regulations, and ordinances, which he commanded to our fathers. 59 May these words which I have prayed before the Lord be near the Lord our God day and night so that he provides justice for his servant and for his people Israel forever, 60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God. There is no other. 61 May your hearts be fully committed to the Lord our God, in order to walk in his regulations and to keep his commands, just as is the case today.
The Epistle Lesson Colossians 2:6-14
6 Therefore, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, 7 by being rooted and built up in him, and strengthened in the faith just as you were taught, while you overflow in faith with thanksgiving.
8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, which are in accord with human tradition, namely, the basic principles of the world, but not in accord with Christ. 9 For all the fullness of God’s being dwells bodily in Christ. 10 And you have been brought to fullness in him. Christ is the head over every ruler and authority. 11 You were also circumcised in him, with a circumcision not done by human hands, in the putting off of the body of flesh, in the circumcision of Christ, 12 when you were buried with Christ in baptism. And in baptism you were also raised with him through the faith worked by the God who raised Christ from the dead.
13 Even when you were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ by forgiving us all our trespasses. 14 God erased the record of our debt brought against us by his legal demands. This record stood against us, but he took it away by nailing it to the cross.
After which the Congregation will rise for
The Gospel Lesson Luke 15:11-24
11 Jesus said, “A certain man had two sons. 12 The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered together all that he had and traveled to a distant country. There he wasted his wealth with reckless living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need. 15 He went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. 16 He would have liked to fill his stomach with the carob pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, and I am dying from hunger! 18 I will get up, go to my father, and tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.”’
20 “He got up and went to his father. While he was still far away, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, hugged his son, and kissed him. 21 The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick, bring out the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let us eat and celebrate, 24 because this son of mine was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found.’ Then they began to celebrate.
The Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light. Very God of Very God. Begotten, not made. Being of one substance with the Father, By whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary And was made man; And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried; And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father; And he shall come again with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. And I believe one holy Christian and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins, And I look for the resurrection of the dead, And the life of the world to come. Amen.
After which the Congregation will be seated for
The Children’s Lesson Luke 2:21 and Acts 4:12
Luke 2:21…..After eight days passed, when the child was circumcised, he was named Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
Acts 4:12…..12 “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”
How Important Is A Name?
The Sermon Hymn Hymn 75 “Father, Let Me Dedicate All This Year To You”
1 Father, let me dedicate All this year to you, In whate’er my earthly state, In whate’er I do.
Not from sorrow, pain, or care Freedom dare I claim; This alone shall be my prayer: Glorify your name.
2 Can a child presume to choose Where or how to live? Can a father’s love refuse All the best to give?
More you give me ev’ry day Than the best can claim; Help me trust you that I may Glorify your name.
3 If in mercy you prolong Joys that now are mine, If on life serene and fair Brighter rays may shine,
Let my glad heart, while it sings, You in all proclaim And, whate’er the future brings, Glorify your name.
4 If you have for me a cross And its shadow come, Turning all my gain to loss, Shrouding heart and home,
Let me think how your dear Son To his glory came And in deepest woe pray on: “Glorify your name.”
The Greeting
Grace and peace be yours in abundance, through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, our Lord. May the God of peace fill you with all joy in believing! Amen.
The Sermon Text Philippians 3:12-16
12 Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus also took hold of me. 13 Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it yet, but there is one thing I do: Forgetting the things that are behind and straining toward the things that are ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Therefore, let all of us who are mature continue to think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this to you too. 16 Only let us think the same thing and walk in line with what we already have attained.
A Simple New Year’s Resolution: Be Positive
following which the Congregation will REMAIN SEATED for
The Post-Sermon Blessing
May the God of peace, Who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, now equip you with everything good for doing His will! Amen.
We Offer Our Gifts to the Lord
Our Offerings of Love to our Lord
Offerings will be received this morning through offering plates passed among those who have gathered here for worship.
However, for those viewing this service online, we offer you the following suggestions for providing God with Your thank-offerings through our ministry:
1) You can mail a check (no cash) to the church address
(415 N. 6th Place, Lowell, AR 72745)
2) You can also donate on our website: www.gracelutherannwa.com
the Congregation will please rise as the offerings are brought to the altar
Today’s Prayers
Included in our prayers this morning are:
A Prayer of Intercession for our sister, Debbie Terrian, who will undergo surgery this coming Friday; and
A Prayer of Intercession on behalf of Barbara Strackbein (Peter’s mother) and her family. Barb’s time on earth, after over a decade’s battle with cancer, appears to be drawing to a close, as life in heaven draws closer for her.
Our Prayer for New Year’s Day
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven + Hallowed be Thy name. + Thy Kingdom come. + Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. + Give us this day our daily bread. + And forgive us our trespasses + as we forgive those who trespass against us. + And lead us not into temptation. + But deliver us from evil. + For Thine is the kingdom + And the power + And the glory + Forever and ever. Amen.
We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper
Pastor – The Lord be with you.
Congregation (Sung) And also with you
Pastor – Lift up your hearts.
Congregation (Sung) We lift them up to the Lord.
Pastor – Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God.
Congregation (Sung) It is good and right so to do.
Consecration of the Elements
Pastor – The peace of the Lord be with you always.
Congregation – (Sung) Amen.
The Exhortation Regarding the Lord’s Supper
(Please read the following if you have not spoken with our Pastor about taking communion. Thank you.)
At Grace Lutheran Church, on the basis of what the Bible teaches, we practice what is known as “Close Communion.” That means we are able to offer the Lord’s Supper this morning only to those individuals who – after completing a thorough study with us of the doctrines contained God’s Word – have already publicly committed themselves to be members of our fellowship because of their agreement with those teachings. In so doing we are endeavoring to express our comprehensive commitment (and unity which we – as a Christian congregation – share with each other as members of this fellowship) to all the teachings of the Scriptures. and to our striving to put them fully and faithfully into practice in our ministry.
That “comprehensive commitment” requirement (which our Lord expects of all His children and so of every church – please see Romans 16:17-18; 2 John 10-11; I John 4:1-3; John 8:31-32; Matthew 28:19-20 …among other portions of Scripture that express this) allows us only to offer the Lord’s Supper to those persons who are already committed, confirmed, communicant members of Grace Lutheran congregation, or who have become members of one of the congregations of our Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
We do this, not to offend anyone, but because the Scriptures teach that only those who are “one,” that is, in complete doctrinal agreement, united in a comprehensive public confession of faith, are to commune together at the same altar (see I Corinthians 10:17 and I Corinthians 1:10).
Through membership in a particular congregation or church body (for us, that church body is the Wisconsin
Evangelical Lutheran Synod), each person makes a public statement that he/she is in full agreement with the teachings and practices of that body. Because not every congregation, church body or Lutheran Synod teaches and practices the same things, we at Grace and in the WELS want to be honest in our recognition of the doctrinal/teaching differences that, here on earth, separate us from other church bodies.
To our Guests this morning….. We want you to know that we sincerely appreciate your presence among us today, and we do rejoice that we share faith in Christ with you. Please understand that by asking you to refrain from communing with us this morning we are NOT judging your faith in Christ. What we are doing is expressing – as a congregation – our complete unity of faith in Christ, as well as our joint commitment to all the teachings (doctrines) of God’s Word. Consequently, we hope that you will do us the courtesy of kindly respecting our Biblical practice of close communion practice by refraining from taking the Lord’s Supper with us today.
It is our hope that our Scripture-based practice of “Close Communion” will encourage anyone among us this morning who is not presently in full doctrinal fellowship with us to seriously examine the teachings and practices of his/her church in order to determine if those teachings and practices are really in full agreement with God’s Word. In fact, we pray that all of our guests – and many others – will one day share with us in this “close” fellowship which we enjoy at Grace Lutheran and in the WELS, by your studying God’s Word with us , by joining us in this joint, comprehensive commitment to His Biblical teachings that our Lord wants us to have with each other, and by committing yourself to membership in our church family.
A brochure further explaining the Biblical basis for this Close Communion practice is available on the entryway tract/brochure rack. We encourage you to carefully examine it – especially the Biblical references within it – and also to speak with our Pastor after the service (or, at your convenience) so that you might better understand and appreciate our Biblically-based “Close Communion” practice.
Thank you for your understanding, your patience, and for your presence here among us this morning. May God bless you, as you are a blessing to us !
Distribution Hymn Hymn 312 “Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared”
1 Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared This feast for our salvation;
It is your body and your blood, And at your invitation
As weary souls, with sin oppressed, We come to you for needed rest,
For comfort, and for pardon.
2 Although you did to heav’n ascend, Where angel hosts are dwelling,
And in your presence they behold Your glory, all excelling,
And though your people shall not see Your glory and your majesty
Till dawns the judgment morning,
3 Yet, Savior, you are not confined To any habitation,
But you are present ev’rywhere And with your congregation.
Firm as a rock this truth shall stand, Unmoved by any daring hand
Or subtle craft and cunning.
4 We eat this bread and drink this cup, Your precious Word believing
That your true body and your blood Our lips are here receiving.
This Word remains forever true, And there is naught you cannot do,
For you, Lord, are almighty.
5 Though reason cannot understand, Yet faith this truth embraces:
Your body, Lord, is ev’rywhere At once in many places.
I leave to you how this can be; Your Word alone suffices me;
I trust its truth unfailing.
6 Lord, I believe what you have said; Help me when doubts assail me.
Remember that I am but dust, And let my faith not fail me.
Your supper in this vale of tears Refreshes me and stills my fears
And is my priceless treasure.
7 Grant that we worthily receive Your supper, Lord, our Savior,
And, truly grieving for our sins, May prove by our behavior
That we are thankful for your grace And day by day may run our race,
In holiness increasing.
8 For your consoling supper, Lord, Be praised throughout all ages!
Preserve it, for in ev’ry place The world against it rages.
Grant that this sacrament may be A blessed comfort unto me
When living and when dying.
We Leave With The Lord’s Blessing
The Closing Prayer
The Benediction
The LORD bless you and keep you.
The LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
The LORD look with favor upon you, and give you His peace. Amen.
Closing Hymn Hymn 71 “The Old Year Now Has Passed Away”
1 The old year now has passed away; We thank you, O our God, today
That you have kept us through the year When danger and distress were near.
2 We pray you, O eternal Son, Who with the Father reigns as one,
To guard and rule your Christendom Through all the ages yet to come.
3 Take not your saving Word away, Which lights and cheers our souls each day.
Abide with us and keep us free From error and hypocrisy.
4 Oh, help us to forsake all sin, A new and holier life begin!
Forgive the old year’s sins, and bless The new year with true happiness,
5 Wherein as Christians we may live Or die in peace that you can give,
To rise again when you will come And enter your eternal home.
6 There shall we thank you and adore With all the angels evermore.
Lord Jesus Christ, increase our faith To praise your name through life and death.
Silent Prayer, Announcements, Post-service music
Last Week at Grace Worship Attendance: 56 Online views: 20
Tuesday Morning Bible Class: 12 Budgetary Offerings: $4177 Online offerings: $320
Looking Ahead For Grace Lutheran Church
Today Morning Worship, with the Lord’s Supper, 9:30 a.m.
Bible Class/Sunday School, 11:05 a.m.
Jan 03 (Tues) Morning Bible Study, 10:15 a.m.
Jan 04 (Wed) Evening Bible Studies, 6 to 7:15 p.m.
Jan 07 (Sat) Church “un-decorating”/fellowship planning, 9am
Jan 08 (Sun) Morning Worship, 9:30 a.m. Fellowship, 10:45 a.m. Bible Class & Sunday School, 11:05 a.m.
Youth Confirmation Class, 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.
Serving Next Sunday Elders: John Johnson, Tim Pfortmiller Fellowship: Karen Swogger
Ushers: James Boatright, Jim Taylor, Jim Winnat Altar Guild: Linda Winnat, Christine Quinlan
Fellowship Volunteers Needed Would you be willing to volunteer to prepare after-worship coffee, drinks, and light snacks? A sign-up poster is on the fellowship hall bulletin board. We need more volunteers for the opening months of this new year (January through March). A reimbursement of $25 per week for expenses is available to help defray costs. (It comes through our “donation jar.”)
Wednesday Evening Bible Studies Resume NEXT WEEK …..We will be resuming our midweek Bible classes women and men on Wednesday evenings, starting next Wednesday, January 11th. We’ll meet from 6 to 7:15 p.m. each week. If you’ve not joined us in the past, we really hope you’ll try this middle-of-each- week opportunity to gather around God’s Word for the growth of our faith and Biblical knowledge, and for the good fellowship that this time together also offers. Our men’s class will be studying in the book of Psalms. Our women’s class will begin a study of the book of Isaiah.
Church “Un-Decorating” This Saturday (January 7th) …..We would be very grateful for your help this Saturday morning, starting at 9 a.m., when we’ll be “un-decorating” the church by taking down and putting all the Christmas decorations that we’ve enjoyed throughout this building over the last six weeks. Following that work, we’ll join together for a brief bring-your-own “sack lunch” and then will hold a “Fellowship Planning Meeting” to map out a fellowship service and activity plan/schedule for 2023.
We Would Like to Extend a Humble and Grateful Thank You ….
“On behalf of my wife and myself, I would like to say to you, our friends in Christ – Thank you for the many kindnesses, cards, gifts, and good wishes that you shared with us during this Christmas season….and indeed over the years. We’re humbled that you are kind enough to give us such gracious and undeserved consideration. We are truly grateful to all of you, and to our Lord for blessing us with the good friends that you are. May God bless all of you.”
…..Pastor Chuck & Debbie Huebner
The Parables of our Lord
Divine Truths From Real Life Stories
The Role And Interpretation Of Parables
What is a parable?
Definition of a parable
It is…….
– not a fable
– not a myth
– not a proverb
– A parable, by common definition, is an aid for teaching.
Many of us also have learned this definition: “A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”
Look up the following Scripture references. In what way were parables effective in the given situations?
* Luke 20:1-19
* 2 Samuel 12:1-8
* Luke 14:25-33
How Jesus Used Parables
Look up Matthew 13:31,32. There’s no explanation of what this short parable means. Why did Jesus often speak in parables rather than simply stating the facts?
- Jesus used parables not to mask the truth, but to cause His hearers to search for it.
- Parables are more interesting than “abstract” theological discussions. They are also easier for people to relate to, and to remember.
- Jesus used parables in discourse with His enemies so that they would have no clear statements from Him to use against Him. Look up Mark 4:10-12.
- For those who were hardened in their refusal to acknowledge the truth of Jesus’ message and identity, parables served to hide the truth from them and act as a judgment against them. Look up Matthew 21:43-46. Who is Jesus addressing here? (see v.23) What is He clearly saying to them? Why did He use a parable to make this point?
The Gospel of John has no parables. Mark has only one that is unique to his book. The majority of our parables, then, come from Luke’s and Matthew’s Gospels. A few are also found in the Old Testament.
The Interpretation Of Parables
The following principles should guide us as we seek to interpret the parables of Jesus:
- The parables are not merely charming little stories about the “way things always are.” They explain ways in which God operates, or ways in which He expects His followers to live for Him. Matthew 13:11 tells us that parables explain certain aspects of the Kingdom of God to us; namely, God’s just and gracious dealings with sinful man. Also, keep in mind the main thought or leading idea of the parable as given by Christ himself, or the context.
- Always pay careful attention to the immediate context of the parable.Parables typically answer a question or address a particular situation that its hearers are facing. What prompted Jesus to speak the parables offered in the following references?
- Luke 7:41-50
- Matthew 12:29
- Luke 10:25-37
- All the features of the parable are subordinate to the leading idea. The interpretation of details must fit the main thrust of the story. Consequently, not every part of a parable needs to be interpreted. Some parts simply supplement the story. The parable itself should be studied along with the context to determine what is the one main point at issue (this is often called the “tertium”). For example in Luke 18:1-8, what might you conclude about God if you focused primarily on the description of the judge? What, however, is clearly the main point of this parable?
- Parables are not to be used to establish doctrine. Parables support other clear doctrinal passages.
- Finally, the interpreter should be familiar with the history, geography, culture and customs of Bible times to properly interpret the parables. Familiarity with Jewish marriage customs, the practice of wine making, the art of farming in ancient Israel, etc. will help us to better understand the parables.
Parables: Divine Truths From Real Life Stories
Section One: The Work And Worth Of The Gospel
(The sower & the seed; the weeds;
the mustard seed and yeast; the hidden treasure/pearl)
Section Two: God’s Great Expectations
(The two debtors; the lost sheep; the unmerciful servant;
the good Samaritan; the tower builder & warring king;
the shrewd manager; the unworthy servants; the 10 minas)
Section Three: By Grace Alone; By Faith Alone
(The searching shepherd/woman/father; the persistent friend;
the pharisee and the publican; the laborers in the vineyard)
Section Four: Preparation For Judgment
(The rich fool; the narrow door; the seats at a wedding feast;
the great banquet; the wedding banquet; the net;
foolish & wise virgins; the tenants)
Section Five: Miscellaneous and Lesser-Known Parables
(The Parable of The Patched Garment And The Wineskins; Children In The Marketplace;
Parables Proving The Person Of Christ; The Empty House; The Owner of the House; Clean and Unclean; Lost Sheep and Dogs; The Yeast of the Pharisees; The Rock and the Keys; The Lamp of the Body;
The Fruitless Fig Tree; The Wise and Foolish Builders)
Section One: The Work and Worth of the Gospel
The Sower, The Seed, And The Soils
(Matthew 13:3-23; Mark 4:2-20; Luke 8:4-15)
To understand this parable, note that farmers in Jesus’ day simply broadcast the seed on untilled ground and then scratched the seed into
the soil with a crude plow. A footpath of soil hardened by foot traffic, often ran around the perimeter of the field.
This parable and others seek to explain the nature of and operation of the “Kingdom of God” or “The Kingdom of Heaven”. What do these passages tell us about God’s kingdom?
- Luke 17:20,21
- John 18:36,37
- Romans 14:17
We define “God’s Kingdom” as his gracious rule in our hearts through his Word.
What four results followed the farmer’s sowing of his field? (Mark 4:2-8)
Read Mark 4:10-12. For Jesus’ enemies, what purpose did these parables serve? What “secret” did the disciples know that enables them to understand the parables?
In verses 13-20, Jesus explains this parable to his disciples. In the first case, Satan takes away the word before it has a chance to sink in. Give examples of how the devil can take the Word away.
In the second case, why would someone “receive it [the Word] with joy, but have no root”? What are some of the issues/things in life that, spiritually-speaking, cause a shallow root system that, in turn, leads to the rather rapid death of a faith that initially seems to thrive?
Agree or Disagree……..A person like this person never had genuine faith in the first place.
In the third case, explain how worries and mixed-up priorities can choke out God’s Word in human hearts.
In the last case, what does Jesus mean when he says that the Word produces different amounts of fruit in people’s lives? Why is it dangerous to assume that all believers should produce the same amount of fruit in their lives?
This parable not only speaks to four types of hearers, but describes each of us individually as well. In what way is that true?
Our mission purpose, as a Christian Church, is to make and maintain disciples of Christ. How does a proper interpretation of this parable help us understand what we are to do?
The Growing Seed (Mark 4:26-29)
On the basis of the previous parable, should we assume that some people are to receive credit for their salvation because they were “good soil” and accepted the Word whereas others rejected it? This parable shows us that the life that comes from a seed of grain, and spiritual life that comes from the seed of God’s Word, are both mysteries.
What warning can we take from this parable when we are tempted to tamper with or dress up God’s Word to make it more appealing to human hearts?
What comfort can we take from this parable as we seek to sow God’s Word in human hearts with sometimes fumbling efforts or little outward “success”?
The Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43)
Jesus uses another familiar illustration from the agricultural world. How did Jesus explain this parable? (vv.36-43)
Why is it dangerous to say, “We’re going to get rid of all those people in our congregation who act like unbelievers”?
How does this parable help us to understand and deal with the disturbing fact that there are hypocrites even in Christian congregations?
Often we wonder “why” things in this world are so evil. Verse 28 gives a succinct answer……
The Mustard Seed and the Yeast (Matthew 13:31-35)
The mustard plant here pictured is not the 18 inch plant that grows in our garden. The oriental mustard plant can reach the height of a tree one year from planting (J. Dwight Pentecost, in his book The Parables Of Jesus, claims that he has a picture of a one-year-old mustard tree, 32 feet high!)
Knowing Satan’s opposition to God’s kingdom, an understandable question is “What will become of God’s kingdom if Satan so vigorously seeks to destroy it?” How does this parable answer that question?
The Bible speaks of the Gospel as something considered by many to be “foolishness”, “weak”, and “lowly” (1 Corinthians 1:27,28). For example, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are regarded by many as mere rituals or symbols. When we speak about these Sacraments as “Means of Grace” through which God powerfully works, we are often met with skepticism and even ridicule. What evidence do we have, however, that these things are not as weak as they seem?
The parable of the Yeast in the dough focuses in on the way in which the Gospel works, which is similar to the working of yeast amid dough. Yeast works internally, and yet its work is all-pervasive and is readily observable.
How does this parable speak to the person who assumes (or presumes), “I can love however I want, as long as I believe”?
The Hidden Treasure And The Pearl of Great Price
(Matthew 13:44,45)
It was not uncommon for people in Bible times to bury part of their wealth as a means of keeping it secure in times of war or political unrest. People in ancient times placed an unusually high value on pearls, similar to how we might value gold, diamonds, or other precious gems today.
Does this parable teach that God’s kingdom is something that we obtain by giving up other things? (See Isaiah 55:1,2)
Does this parable teach us to hoarde the Gospel once we find it? (Mark 16:15)
This parable DOES teach us something about our attitude toward the Gospel. Namely, what?
Section Two: God’s Great Expectations
The Two Debtors (Luke 7:36-50)
The basis for this parable is an incident that occurs during a dinner Jesus attends at the home of a Pharisee named Simon.
What makes you wonder about the sincerity of this man’s invitation to Jesus? And if he did not invite Jesus out of true respect, why did he invite him?
The woman who enters Simon’s home is called “a woman who had lived a sinful life.” She was probably a prostitute. Pharisaic law made being touched by such a woman an act of defilement.
In addition, what kind of rabbi would accept an expensive perfume gift when it was undoubtedly purchased with sin-tainted money!? Why did Jesus allow this sorry, sobbing scandalous human being to even get near him?
What spiritual point does the parable make? What should it particularly have meant to Simon?
It was common hospitality in Eastern cultures to provide water for guest to wash their feet, to greet guests with a polite kiss, and to anoint the guest’s head with oil (considered by most to be an act symbolizing joy and festivity). Not only did Simon neglect to do this, but this sinful woman – in contrast — went beyond what was customary.
Do we ever consider ourselves less in need of forgiveness than others? When? Why?
In what ways do we view certain sinners with disgust? How should we be viewing them?
How would you have reacted to that woman? Would you have been embarrassed? Would you have thought she went overboard? When does showing love for Jesus become excessive? What is easier- To fall short of showing love for Jesus or to go too far?
The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10-14)
What was on the disciples’ minds that leads us into chapter 18? (See verse 1) What does this question tell us about their attitude and character?
Verses 10-14 contrast the disciple’s attitude and goals with God’s. The angels who “always see the face of my Father in heaven” rejoice whenever a sinner repents. What is Jesus’ point in this verse?
Contrast the attitude of the heavenly Father in this parable with that of the disciples in verse 1.
How does this parable influence how we look at others? How we look at ourselves? How we approach our ministry as a church and as individuals?
The Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)
Jesus had just finished discussing how to deal with someone who has sinned against us. Peter has a question that seems quite natural, given the preceding conversation. “How many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?”
We need to give Peter credit for the right motives, but the wrong mechanics. Pharisaic law demanded that one forgive two times, or three times if you wanted to exceed the standard. Peter also knew the law of love should prompt a Christian to be more forgiving than that. Even more than twice as forgiving. It seems he was anticipating Jesus to give him an answer somewhere between 3 and 7.
Note that Jesus’ use of the number “seventy times seven” was a Jewish idiom and was understood to mean an innumerable amount.
10,000 talents = millions of dollars
A few hundred denarii = A few dollars
What are some excuses we use to justify being unforgiving?
The parable gives us the reason why we are expected to forgive innumerable times. What is the number one motivating factor that makes the victim of a sin able to forgive the sinner. see Matthew 6:12; Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13
“he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold . . .” The selling of a debtor who was not able to pay was not unusual in ancient times. “I will pay back everything.” A flat-out lie. Don’t many people think the same thing when it comes to salvation? Good works cannot pay God back for sins in our life.
The Roman Catholic church uses v. 34 as a proof passage for purgatory. Why is that not a legitimate interpretation?
What’s wrong (and dangerous) with this statement? “I just can’t forgive him/her for what he/she has done!”
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)
To understand why Jesus spoke this parable, read verses 25-29. Why did this expert in the law ask the question, “And who is my neighbor?” What’s wrong with the lawyer’s question?
Look at Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18. What is emphasized in both passages? Why the emphatic repetition of “all?” What will prompt such love? (See I John 4:1)
In verse 28, the Greek word for “do this” means “keep on doing, never fail, never give up, never slip, never let go.” What is Jesus’ point in telling the lawyer, “Do this and you will live?” (Also, see Galatians 3:21)
Jesus’ parable is His answer to the man’s question. To understand this parable better, we want to note the following:
- A priest was the highest and most repsected religious leader in Israel.
- The Levites were temple workers; both the priest and the Levite therefore could well be considered as model, God-fearing Jews.
- The Samaritans and Jews hated each other; the Jews considered the Samaritans as half-breed low-lifes because they were of mixed blood (Jewish and native Canaanite); Samaritans considered the Jews to be arrogant and overbearing. A Jew would have nothing to do with a Samaritan, and vice versa.
What reasons might that Priest and Levite have for not stopping to help that wounded man? Could their “reasons” be viable, spiritually speaking?
The main point of the parable is stated in verse 36. What is it?
Many misinterpret this parable. They assume that Jesus was teaching us to be kind to people. Acutally, this parable holds no comfort for us at all. Because it convicts us, just as it convicted that expert in the law…………of what?
This account points out sinful man’s wrong assumption that God is satisfied with our keeping common standards of basic, decent behavior. What ARE God’s standards? Can we “Go and do likewise?” If not, how can we have any hope of pleasing God?
In what ways are we, at times, like the Levite and priest? In what ways would you like to be more like the Good Samaritan? How is Jesus the true Good Samaritan?
The Tower Builder And The Warring King (Luke 14:25-35)
This parable leads the crowd following Jesus to consider whether they are willing to pay the price of living in this kingdom as a disciple of Christ.
In what sense does the call to follow Jesus include a call to “hate” even those close to us? How is it a call to “hate” even our own life?
Today, we hear the phrase “a cross to bear” and we think of something difficult we have to live with. However, in Jesus’ day, carrying a cross meant much more. It meant . . . what?
Why is it important to “count the cost” of discipleship?
According to this section of Scripture, who IS qualified to be a disciple? Are you qualified? Justify your response.
The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-13)
After focusing on God’s desire to save sinners, Jesus teaches his disciples how to live in such a way as to show that rescuing souls is their main objective as well.
In Eastern business practice, as long as a manager collected what his owner demanded, he was free to take any added percentage for himself. Therefore, it is possible that even with the discounts the manager offered, he still returned the amount that his owner originally demanded. Regardless, the manager lost out on money that could have been his. About what was the manager most concerned?
Why did the owner “commend” the manager?
There’s no question that dishonesty was involved in this man’s plan. However, that is not the point of Jesus’ parable. Jesus wants to bring attention to the shrewdness of the manager, and for his disciples to take note.
In verse 8, who are the “people of this world?” (see Psalm 17:14) Who are the “people of light?” (see Ephesians 5:8) Why would people of the light want to be shrewd in dealing with people of the world?
You have a neighbor that moves in and you find out he and his family are atheists. What are some ways you can be “shrewd” in dealing with him? What factors will determine how “shrewd” you become?
Agree or Disagree: The manner in which I use my wealth on this earth determines to what degree God will bless me with more. (see 2 Corinthians 9:6)
What is the main point of this parable?
NOTE: Heaven is a gift. It has nothing to do with how we use our money. However, our use of wealth in a God-pleasing way may RESULT in many people being in heaven to welcome us one day.
Unworthy Servants (Luke 17:7-10)
In verses 1-6 of chapter 17, Jesus has just given some examples of the stringent demands of obedience that those who follow Him must follow. When they expressed their intimidation at such high standards, Jesus comforted them by telling them that, though their faith was small, yet because their faith was in him, it was powerful enough to enable them to great things for God!
This short parable, however, speaks to a different concern: the human tendency to judge our faithfulness to God on the basis of how we stack up compared to others. There’s always someone less faithful than we are. Often we are able to find that person in our lives. What does this parable say to us when we start to compare ourselves to others?
What are the evil consequences for me, for others, and for God when I conclude, “you know, compared to most people, I’m a pretty faithful Christian”?
The Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27)
If someone gave you $l000.00 extra dollars, what would you do with it?
1. Invest it aggressively.
2. Put it in an insured bank account.
3. Stuff it in a mattress because you don’t trust banks.
The setting of this parable is that Jesus and his disciples are nearing Jerusalem on his last journey. Many believed Jesus would now establish His kingdom in Jerusalem. The story of Zacchaeus, just previous to this parable, points out the commitment to Jesus that accompanies a life of faith. Zacchaeus gave half of his possessions to the poor and paid back those he had cheated four-fold. The parable is all about faithfulness. Perhaps Jesus spoke this parable in Zacchaeus’ home.
Who’s the man who went into a far country and promised to return again? Who are the servants? Who are the people who say, “We don’t want you to rule over us?” What’s the distant country? What’s meant by the interval between when the nobleman left and would return?
(Verse 13) a mina was about three months wages. What does the mina that each servant received before the nobleman left in the parable represent? (see John 20:22). It could also be the means of grace God’s servants are to use faithfully until the end of the age. I Tim. 6:20. What are we to do with the mina until Jesus returns again?
In Biblical numerology the number ten, incidentally, consistently represents perfection or completeness.
The faithful servants in the parable showed their faithfulness by investing the money given to them by their master wisely and profitably. How can we show our faithfulness as God’s servants?
Should we expect tangible or visible rewards already now on earth?
What does Jesus mean in verse 26?
Should we be afraid of the Last Day when the Lord calls us to give an account?
Section Three: By Grace Alone…By Faith Alone
The Searching Shepherd, The Searching Woman, The Searching Father (Luke 15:1-32)
What precipitated these three parables? (v. 2)
These parables sharply contrast the attitude of the Pharisees toward sinners with God’s attitude toward sinners. How did a stereotypical Pharisee regard a “sinner”? What do these parable teach us about how GOD regards a sinner?
NOTE: Verse 7 reminds us that God is NOT in the business of rubber-stamping with his seal of approval the self-righteousness of people like the Pharisees. What really pleases him is rescuing repentant sinners. How do these parables challenge how we view ourselves?
List some details from these three parables that indicate the depth of God’s love for us.
Did you ever run away from home? Where did you go? What happened? (Or, Did you ever think of running away from home? Where would you have gone? Why did you change your mind?) Which child were you in your family, the “obedient” one or the “wild” one?
Why do you think the prodigal son decided to leave home?
In those times if a younger son left the family home for one reason or another, the older son was expected to stay at home and take care of the estate. However, the younger son had no right to demand his share of the inheritance when he did. According to Jewish law, the children could not divide the inheritance until after the father’s death. Then the firstborn (oldest) received a “double share” of the estate, and the other children shared the remainder of it (Deuteronomy 21:15-17). The younger son in the parable could have received a considerable amount of money.
What’s meant by the “distant country?” When are we off in a “distant country?” Why didn’t the father stop his son? Why doesn’t God stop us? What kind of pleasures can the world give?
Does God ever abandon someone to their foolishness? Romans 1:24,28.
Do you think that the father was wise to give his son his inheritance when he knew his son would probably blow it?
If the father had a pretty good idea where his son had gone, do you think he should have gone after him?
(Verses 17-19) What does the lost son realize he doesn’t deserve? What’s his only hope when he goes back home? What must we also realize we don’t deserve from God? What’s our only hope also?
Of what can we be sure when we return to our heavenly father? What’s the spiritual counterpart to the “best robe” (verse 22)? See Galatians 3:27; Isaiah.61:10. The ring signified son ship. Sons also wore sandals. Slaves went barefoot.
In the third parable, what flaws do you find in the protest of the older brother to his father’s goodness toward his younger brother? (vv. 28-30)
By temperament and experience, which of the three main characters do you best identify with in this story of the prodigal son/unforgiving brother/waiting father?
Agree or Disagree: Some “lost sons” can appear to be very nice, decent, family loving and church going people?
What’s the only food that nourishes and feeds the soul? What is some “pigs food” the world offers?
The Blind Guides (Matthew 7:3-5; Luke 6:39-42)
This parable is connected to Jesus famous “Sermon On The Mount.” In this sermon Jesus teaches almost the diametric opposite of what the Pharisees taught; namely, that an attitude of humility and mercy are more important than an outward show of righteousness; that sin is not only what one does but what one thinks; that God expects more than reasonably good behavior, that he expects perfection.
Read the parable in verses 39-40 of Luke 6. In what sense were the Pharisees “blind” leaders?
What does Jesus indicate as the consequences of such blind leadership?
Read verses 41,42. Then read Luke 6:1-10. How did the Pharisees prove themselves guilty of the sin this parable reveals? What was the plank in the Pharisees’ eye? Let’s apply this parable to ourselves. Should we ever point out sin in the life of a fellow Christian? (See 6:37) If so, what should be our attitude in doing so and our goal?
The Persistent Friend (Luke 11:1-10)
This entire section has to do with prayer. What would prompt the disciples to request “Lord, teach us to pray”? What’s so difficult about praying?
Verses 2-4 describe the nature of God-pleasing prayer. God-pleasing prayer will reflect that our greatest concern is God’s glory and his kingdom (gracious ruling) in the hearts of people, that spiritual matters are most important, that we are dependant on God for everything from basic physical needs to forgiveness to help in any trouble.
Verses 5-8 is a parable which makes what point about HOW we are to pray?
(This parable should remind us not to go too far in interpreting every detail of parables. For instance, we shouldn’t assume that God is like the man in the parable, answering our prayers merely because we keep bothering him.
Verse 9,10 should be an encouragement to us; however, what do you make of the claim that some make based on these words, that, if you really believe, God will answer all of your prayers?
Verses 11-13 are an argument from a lesser point to a greater. What is the point?
What is the greatest gift we can ask for?
The Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8)
The purpose of this parable is in Luke 18:1. What is the purpose? Why do we need this parable?
There is an argument from the lesser to the greater from this parable. If even an unjust judge grants justice after much pleading, then certainly . . . what?
Is Jesus’ last statement in v. 8 a warning for the disciples or about the world they live in? Be prepared to defend your answer. What does verse 8 say to us?
The Pharisee And The Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
When you were in high school, what did it take to be with the “in” crowd? What was a guaranteed way to be out?
What is the purpose of this parable? (verse 9)
(Verse 11) Was the Pharisee really thanking God?
God prescribed only 1 day of fasting a year, the Day of Atonement. Lev. l6:29,31 Later the Jews observed four official days of fasting. The Pharisees fasted each Monday and Thursday, the days tradition says Moses ascended and descended Mt. Sinai. The Jews also weren’t commanded to give a tenth of everything. Small herbs, for example, were exempted.
Comment on the body language of the tax collector.
(Verse 14) justified = not condemned, innocent, fully forgiven, free and rid of all guilt and punishment, accepted and beloved to God. On what basis does God pronounce this verdict? Why was the Pharisee not justified?
What’s meant by “universal justification?” When did it take place? What’s meant by “personal justification?” When did it take place? Why is universal justification of such comfort to the penitent sinner?
Agree or Disagree: Even today the Pharisee and the tax collector go to the temple to pray.
How can religious feelings be deceiving? To what must we compare ourselves to get a true picture of ourselves?
How is this parable a comfort? How is it a warning?
The Laborers In The Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16)
The basis for this parable is Peter’s question in 19:27. Peter was curious about the reward he could expect as someone who had left everything to follow Jesus. What does this parable say to those who serve God because they want to get a bigger reward than everybody else?
This parable forces us to ask, “Why do I serve God?” It also forces us to ask whether we feel a “new” Christian has the same rights as we do in the congregation? How does this parable respond to both of those concerns?
Section Four: Preparation for Judgment
The Parable Of The Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21)
According to Jewish law, the eldest son received a double inheritance, with the provision he subsequently must support his mother and (any) unmarried sisters.
The man in our text seems to make a rather simple request of Jesus. Describe Jesus’ response and what flaw he points out in the man’s question…and heart.
What does Jesus mean in verse 15 by the term “a man’s life?”
There are hints regarding the attitude problem this man had. How did he get his crop? (pay careful attention to the wording in verse 16)
Does this parable say that it is wrong to plan ahead for the future? (See James 4:13-15) Is it right to put money away in a life insurance policy or a retirement account or even to have a savings account?
Pay careful attention to the wording he uses when he talks about material possessions. What do you notice that indicates just what was the problem with this rich man’s view of life? (See also Psalm 39:6; Psalm 49:10; Eccl. 2:18,21)
Why did God call him a “fool” in verse 20?
Agree or Disagree: To possess wealth gives a person a false sense of security
Aside from material wealth, what other earthly matters might give one a false sense of security?
What does it mean to be “rich toward God”? And how does one do that?
Where are your riches? What are three chief priorities for your life right now? How would you like to be remembered?
Where would you like to leave your riches?
The Net (Matthew 13:47-50)
The normal way to fish on the Sea of Galilee was to simply drag a net through the water. The net, of course, would collect both edible and inedible fish. Take note that Jesus is speaking this parable from a location near the Sea of Galilee, where the people may been able to see fisherman out on the water and plying their trade.
It is impossible to determine how many “keepers” there are in a net bulging with fish, simply by looking at the net. What lesson do we learn from this parable about the nature of the kingdom of heaven?
How does this parable serve as a warning to us?
Define the “wicked” and the “righteous” (See Romans 3:20-23)
Many today do not believe in the traditional understanding of hell as a place of fiery punishment. Verse 50 makes the nature of hell very clear.
The “gnashing of teeth” is symbolic of anger and frustration. Why are the inhabitants of hell frustrated and angry?
The Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-30)
In what respect is the door to heaven a narrow door?
The people outside the house claim to be acquainted with Jesus. Why does God deny knowing them?
If it is “evildoers” (v.27) who will be shut out of heaven, how can you or I stand a chance?
In verse 28, the “weeping” refers to sorrow and the “gnashing of teeth” refers to anger. Why will people shut outside of heaven grieve and be angry?
In verse 30, what was the message for the Jews of Jesus’ day? What is the message for us today?
The Seats At The Wedding Feast (Luke 14:7-11)
The feast Jesus was attending was also attended by Pharisees and teachers of the law. In what way was their behavior at this feast (grabbing the best seats) indicative of their spiritual attitudes?
What did Jesus’ specifically mean in his statement in verse 11? Think of some situations when we need to remember these words.The Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24)
One of the guests at this banquet expresses his feelings about the blessedness of sharing in that future feast in the kingdom of God. The parable Jesus speaks directs that man’s attention AWAY from how wonderful heaven will be to whether he is willing, RIGHT NOW, to accept the invitation.
Who embodies God’s invitation to his heavenly feast? And how does one therefore reject God’s invitation to his kingdom?
The people in the parable had seemingly legitimate obligations in other matters. Why, then, are these people excluded from the feast and their “reasons” for not accepting the invitation called “excuses” (v. 18)?
This parable is all about priorities . . . in what sense?
What are some excuses humans use today for rejecting God’s invitation to his kingdom?
The Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32)
This parable was spoken right in the temple courtyard before the chief priests and elders during the week of Jesus’ death. His words are blunt.
How were the tax collectors and prostitutes like the first son? How were the Pharisees and teachers of the law like the second son?
There is a difference between claiming obedience and actually obeying. What command from the Father were the religious leaders simply unwilling to obey (though they calimed to be truely obedient to God)?
Comment on this statement: “Oh, I’m sure she went to heaven. She was very religious.”
The Parable Of The Tenants (Matthew 21:33-44)
Note that the situation is the same as that surrounding the parable above.
Who or what is . . .1) The landowner 2) The tenants 3) The servants 4) The son 5) The vineyard 6) The expected fruit 7) The other tenants 8) Harvest time?
Note how the parables are very direct and obvious in meaning to confront the religious leaders with their obstinate refusal to accept the truth of Jesus Christ.
What does verse 44 mean?
Ready And Waiting Servants (Luke 12:35-48)
In verses 35-40, Jesus speaks of being prepared for his second coming. In the first illustraation of servants waiting for their master to return home, what highly unusual thing does the master do for his faithful servants? What does this tell us about the nature of our Savior?
The second illustration pictures Jesus’ coming like a thief breaking into a house. Why?
The parable in verses 42-46 reminds us that there is a temptation all of us face until Jesus returns. What is that temptation? In what ways do we emulate that unfaithful servant?
The final verses, 47-48, remind us that the privilege we have been given to know the Savior and his word so well comes an important responsibility; namely, what?
NOTE: Scripture does teach clearly that there will be different degrees of punishment in hell.
The Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1-14)
According to Jewish custom, when a couple was betrothed, an announcement was sent out regarding the impending marriage, which usually took place around one year later. This parable speaks about the subsequent personal invitations given shortly before the wedding.
The wedding clothes were special garments that guests were expected to wear to show their joy at the event being celebrated. Not wearing those garments was an insult.
Apply this parable to God’s dealings with Israel, focusing in on these details in the parable:
1. The repeated invitations
2. The apathetic and even hostile response
3. The subsequent invitation to anyone on the street
4. The importance of wedding clothing
What tendancies do we have that make this parable an apt warning for us?
In what way does this parable glorify God’s grace?
How does this parable help us to answer the charge: “I can’t believe a loving God would actually send people to hell.”
The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
Bridegrooms would walk in a festive procession from the home of the bride to the groom’s home. Guests could join the procession as it went along or greet the groom at his home. It was necessary, however, that the guests have lighted lamps. Each lamp would serve to further illuminate the home or banquet hall, and provide a bright and joyful atmosphere for the celebration.
Why did 5 of the 10 virgins fail to meet the groom? Whose fault was it? Why?
Verse 13 states the point of this parable. What is it?
What can lead us to not be prepared to meet Jesus when he returns?
Section Five: Miscellaneous Parables
The Parable of The Patched Garment And The Wineskins
(Matthew 9:16,17; Mark 2:21,22; Luke 5:36-39)
Jesus has been baptized by John, thereby authenticating the ministry of John as well as giving public witness of his identity as God’s Son and chosen Messiah. He has returned from the wilderness to Galilee and chosen his disciples. He has worked his first miracle (turning water into wine) in Cana of Galilee. He has returned to Jerusalem for the Passover. He has made his way back to Galilee, where he has set up headquarters at Capernaum. He has gone throughout the region proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God and healing many sick and demon-possessed people.
He has been ministering publicly long enough for the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law to become familiar with him and his message and to form some opinions about him. What do the following references tell you about the doctrine and practice of these religious leaders?
- Matthew 6:5
- Matthew 6:16-18
- Luke 11:37-54
- Luke 16:14
Is Jesus a friend or foe to them? Why?
- John 1:13-22
- Luke 5:17-26
- Luke 5:27-32
Read Luke 5:33-39 in light of the last two references from Luke 5 we just studied. This was obviously not an honest question. It was meant to discredit Jesus. What did the question imply about Jesus and his disciples?
The Pharisees assumed that fasting won brownie points with God. Jesus answer implies that fasting isn’t a deed that impresses God. It is a sign of sorrow. When Jesus said his disciples shouldn’t fast in sorrow, because the bridegroom was with them, what was he claiming about himself?
The parable Jesus then speaks about the garment is designed to lead the Pharisees to conclude that their teaching doesn’t match Jesus’ teaching. Explain the difference and how the parable illustrates the incompatibility of the two.
The parable of the wineskins indicates that it is impossible to package Jesus’ message in the structure of Old Testament Law. Explain how the parable illustrates that and why the point of the parable is true.
This parable has to do with mixing up the Law and the Gospel. How do the following examples illustrate an improper use of Law and Gospel?
All you have to do to get to heaven is believe in Jesus and live a good life.
We really feel good about our church! We’re growing by leaps and bounds, we always have something going for every age group, and people say that we’re the friendliest group around!
No Christian who appreciates what Jesus did for them would EVER have done what you did! Does Jesus’ death for you mean ANYTHING to you at all?
The Ten Commandments are a real comfort to me because they keep me on track in my walk with God.
Children In The Marketplace (Matthew 11:16-19; Luke 7:29-35)
This parable is directed to the Pharisees and experts in the law. How did these people regard John’s ministry? (See Luke 7:29,30) What did they think of Jesus? (See notes on the parable of the Wineskins)
Jesus compares the religious leaders of his day to children at play. In verse 32, what are we told about the way that children act when it comes to choosing what to play.
How did the religious leaders also act this way? (See vv. 33,34). In verses 33 and 34, what are we told about the different nature of John’s
and Jesus’ ministry?
Our sinful nature also resists both the Law and the Gospel. List some examples.
Parables Proving The Person Of Christ (Matthew 12:22-30; Mark 3:22-27)
What precipitated the parable-based teaching of this section? (See vv 22-24)
List the arguments Jesus uses to show how ridiculous and simple-minded the accusation that Jesus is driving demons out by the power of the devil is. (v26-29)
What conclusion, arising from Jesus’ obviously real and God-given miracle-working power, did the Pharisees not want to accept? Why not?
Many today want to find some reason to dismiss anything about Jesus that points to his divine nature. Why is it simple-minded for someone to think he can separate Jesus from his miracles and end up with “Jesus, the great humanitarian-teacher”?
The Empty House (Matthew 12:43-45)
What leads to Jesus’ words in this section? Read 12:38. The current religious leaders again show their absolute ridiculousness when they ask Jesus for a sign that will prove he is the Messiah sent from God. Why in the world would they need a sign, given all the miracles Jesus had already performed!? Their request merely betrays their refusal to accept the truth that had already been made clear.
Read the parable. It speaks about a demon-possessed man who enjoyed freedom from demon possession for a while, but in the end was possessed by seven demons rather than merely one.
Many Israelites who had rejected God repented when John the Baptist brought his message to Israel and pointed them to the Messiah, Jesus. But many of those baptized by John later rejected Jesus and so their fate was worse at the end.
What warning can we take from this parable?
How does this parable move us to reach out more energetically to our fallen-away friends and relatives?
The Owner Of The House (Matthew 13:51,52)
In order for the teachers of the law to give their listeners the full revelation of God, they first had to be instructed in the kingdom of heaven themselves. What did they need to learn about the kingdom of heaven? (Matthew 3:1-3)
What are the old treasures? What are the new treasures?
Christian teaching is more than just a matter of imparting knowledge or facts; it’s sharing treasures! List some of the treasures that Christian teachers (such as parents, Sunday School teachers, and every Christian witness) are privileged to share.
Clean And Unclean (Matthew 15:1-20)
Since the time of the return from the Baylonian Capitivity, the teachers of the law had added additional regulations and laws to the Mosaic Law. Two of those “traditions of the elders”, as they were called, are mentioned in the opening verses. One is the practice of ceremonial washing before meals, and the other is the practice of dedicating something as a special gift to God.
In their effort to keep the man-made traditions of the Elders, the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law ended up breaking God’s clear commands. How does Jesus illustrate that? How do the Isaiah passages support Jesus’ accusation?
Read 15:10,11 and then 15:15-20 for the explanation of this parable.
Our sin and our need for a savior is more serious if we view sin as a matter of the heart and rather than as a matter of one’s life. Why is
NOTE: This was a theme Jesus hit again and again in his discussions with the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law. Without a true understanding of sin, there isn’t much need for a Savior.
Read 15:12-14 Jesus here tells his disciples why they shouldn’t be surprised if the Pharisees were offended by Jesus’ words, nor should they let the Pharisees intimidate them as men who seem to be in control.
Lost Sheep And Dogs (Matthew 15:21-28)
Jesus’ ministry was conducted primarily for the benefit of God’s people, the Jews. Jesus’ mission was conducted for all people. Jesus’ is referring only to his ministry in verse 24.
In Jesus’ statement in verse26, who are the children? What is the bread? Who are the dogs?
In the woman’s reply, what was she saying to Jesus? How would you describe this woman’s faith?
Jesus didn’t help her right away; in fact he seemed to ignore her and then cut her down. Why did he deal with her in this manner?
The Yeast Of The Pharisees And Sadducees (Matthew 16:5-12)
The point of this parable is obvious and extremely important. The false teaching of the religious leaders was like yeast- it influenced a person’s entire thinking and life.
Note what had happened leading up to this parable. The religious leaders had asked Jesus for a sign to prove he was the Messiah. That doesn’t seem so bad, does it? How did this request, however, give evidence of their false beliefs and teaching?
One of Satan’s biggest lies is that a little false teaching is no big deal. A little false teaching can lead to toleration or acceptance of more false teaching and ultimately destroy one’s faith and eternal future.
The Rock And The Keys (Matthew 16:13-19)
The Roman Catholic Church states that this reference is Scriptural evidence that Christ chose Peter to be the first pope, and that all
successors of Peter have the headship of the church that Christ entrusted to Peter.
However, while Jesus DID change Simon’s name to Peter, which means “rock” because of his rock-solid confession of who Jesus was, Jesus was NOT referring to Peter when he said, “On this rock I will build my church.” The Greek word for “rock” in that phrase is of the feminine gender, and therefore cannot refer to Peter (masculine gender); it must refer to Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ and Son of God.
What are the keys Jesus speaks of? (See John 20:23)
The Lamp Of The Body (Luke 11:33-36)
Earlier in this chapter Jesus drove a demon out of a man and some concluded this miracle was accomplished through the power of Satan.
Others demanded that Jesus prove he was really God by a “sign” from heaven.
This parable shows that the problem for those who would not accept Jesus is NOT that there isn’t enough evidence. How does verse 33 point that out (if the lamp is Jesus)?
In verse 34, the eyes are “faith”, what is Jesus saying to those who refused to accept him as God and Savior?
In verses 35 and 36, what is Jesus saying about the person who truly believes in him?
This parable should be a good reminder to us that some people simply don’t WANT to believe, though they may claim that the evidence for Christianity isn’t compelling enough.
How does this understanding actually help us when we witness our faith to others?
NOTE: One year away from his death, Jesus begins now to use much clearer language. Consider what he says in the rest of this chapter.
The Fruitless Fig Tree (Luke 13:1-9)
This parable was spoken by Jesus in response to a question that has always plagued mankind. Why does tragedy strike some and not others? Jesus doesn’t answer that question. Rather, he addresses the attitude of those who asked it.
Rather than being concerned about whether somebody else was under God’s judgment, what should they be concerned about?
In verses 6-9, who is the vineyard owner, the vineyard tender, and the fig tree.
What is the point of the parable . . . about God? about stubborn Israel?
The Wise And Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-29; Luke 6:46-49)
Multitudes had been attracted to Jesus and his teaching. Many were amazed that he spoke with authority that even the Teachers of the Law did not have. But fascination with Jesus is not the same as faith in Jesus.
How does the parable in Luke 6:43-49 make that point? In what sense are we all builders? What is the rock foundation? What are the consequences of building or not building on the rock?
In what ways do we call Jesus “Lord” but live as if we are the lords of our lives?