The Snake and the Savior

Service Live Stream The Fifth Sunday in Lent Also known as Judica (“Judge”) Sunday March 17, 2024 The Snake and the Savior             Have you ever driven by a medical facility and, noticing the symbol of a snake on a pole, wondered what they were thinking by using...

Mount Legalism vs Mount Grace

Service Live Stream The Fourth Sunday in Lent Laetere (“Rejoice”) Sunday   March 10, 2024 Mount Legalism vs Mount Grace Have you ever driven on a highway located alongside a mountain?  As you looked up, you could see  nothing but that  mountain.   But after driving 20...

To Repent, Or Not To Repent? That Is the Question…

Service Live Stream The Third Sunday in Lent Occuli (“Eyes”) Sunday   March 03, 2024 To Repent, Or Not To Repent? That Is the Question….             The day began like any other. Mattathias got up early in the morning, ate breakfast and dressed in his priestly...

Faith that Jesus Commends

Service Live Stream The Second Sunday in Lent Reminiscere (“Remember”) Sunday February 25, 2024 Faith that Jesus Commends Inside the cockpit of every airplane are instruments that are  critical for the pilot to fly that aircraft.  Those  instruments give necessary...

Dueling with the Devil….Like Jesus Did

Service Live Stream The First Sunday in Lent /  Invocavit (“He Will Call”) Sunday February 18, 2024 Taming Temptation               A number of years ago an article in “Leadership” magazine included a discussion of how an Eskimo kills a wolf.   First, the Eskimo coats...

A Glimpse of the Real Glory of God the Son

Service Live Stream The Sixth Sunday of the Epiphany Season The Sunday of the Transfiguration /  Quinquagesima Sunday February 11, 2024 A Glimpse of the Real Glory of God the Son            The Wizard of Oz is one of those stories (and movies) that has stood the...