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Relationships that Honor Our Heavenly Father

The First Sunday after Trinity also known as the Third Sunday of the Pentecost Season and, by custom, known too as “Father’s Day” June 19, 2022 The Relationships we cherish with our Heavenly Father & each other   Father’s Day 2022 at Grace Lutheran Church...

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The Lord Always Keeps All His Promises!

The Sixth Sunday After Easter also known traditionally as Exaudi (Hear/Listen) Sunday May 29, 2022 In A World of Broken Promises God always keeps ALL His promises!               There is an old story of a father who took his young son out and stood him on the...

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Walking With Jesus Through Life

Walking With Jesus Through Life Easter Sunday begins a seven week period on the “Calendar” of the Christian Church known as the “Easter Season.”  This morning we’re just past half-way through it.   During this period of the “Church Year,” we customarily make use of...

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Joy In Our Hearts… No Matter What

To Rejoice Is A Sign of Faith One day two little boys who were playing began talking about  what it would be like to wear glasses.   One  asked the other, “You wouldn’t have to wear glasses all the time, would you?”   The other little boy thought a minute and...

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The Lord Is My Shepherd! Is He You Shepherd, Too?

May 1, 2022      The 3rd Sunday of the Easter Season known traditionally as Misericordia Domini Sunday (The unfailing love of the Lord) The Lord Is My Shepherd ! Is He Your Shepherd, Too?             “The LORD is my Shepherd” is one of Scripture’s most comforting...

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If There Is No Resurrection… Then What?

"Christ is Risen......He Is Risen Indeed!"   The name Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin probably doesn’t "ring a bell" for you, but in his day he was one ofthe most powerful and influential people on earth. An early Russian Communist leader, he took part in theimage...

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The Crucifixion of Christ

  Good Friday – April 15, 2022    Pre-service Prayer    Almighty and everlasting God, our Heavenly Father, it was Your will that Your Son should bear for me the pains of the cross so that You might release me from captivity to sin, death and Satan.   Tonight...

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United We Stand

Reflections on Maundy Thursday             Thursday of Holy Week has always been a day of great significance in the Church, primarily because it commemorates Jesus’ institution of the Lord's Supper for us.   The name by which it is most commonly known, Maundy Thursday...

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