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The Nativity of our Lord – Christmas Day 2020

The Nativity of our Lord – Christmas Day 2020 God Is With Us   Pre-service Prayer Pre-service Music                                                            We Praise Our God   The Greeting and Invitation to Worship   The Opening...

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Mary: Waiting For An Impossibility – December 20, 2020

The Fourth Sunday in Advent    December 20, 2020 Mary:   Waiting For An Impossibility (The Reality and Significance of the Miraculous, Virgin Birth)               There was a bright seventh grade girl, named Kristin, but young as she was, Kristin didn’t understand...

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Expectant Elizabeth – December 13, 2020

Expectant Elizabeth   The particular story from Scripture on which we’ll be focusing our attention today is a familiar one from the  Bible and in life.  A women who wasn’t supposed to be a mother becomes a mother.  It’s a common story in the Bible (see Sarah,...

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Our King of Kings and Lord of Lords – November 22, 2020

The 24th Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity also known as  The 26th Sunday of the Pentecost Season and as  Christ the King Sunday November 22, 2020 Our King of Kings  and Lord of Lords                     In ancient Israel a festival day known as Rosh...

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