Read and Watch Sermons

Why Did God Choose Me? – August 2, 2020

Why Did God Choose Me?             Have you ever received one of those annoying phone calls congratulating you because you’d been chosen to receive, as a gift, some fabulous vacation?       They usually go something like this: “Congratulations, you’ve just won a...

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Don’t Envy the Wicked! – July 26, 2020

Lord, Why do the wicked seem to prosper, while Your children often suffer?               She was only 28 years old, a godly woman, a devoted wife and mother.    When he awoke, her husband had found her lifeless body lying next to him in their bed.  There was no...

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Don’t Choose the Wrong Mountain – July 12, 2020

Why would you want to live on Mt. Sinai, when you’re already living on Mt. Zion? A  woman went to the police station, accompanied by her neighbor, in order to report  that her husband was missing.  The police officer who interviewed her said, “Now, Ma’am, would you...

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God, Please Continue to Bless America! – July 5, 2020

The Fourth Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity also known as the Sixth Sunday of the Pentecost Season     July 05, 2020 God, Please Continue to Bless America! Today’s worship theme doesn’t directly deal with one of the doctrines of Scripture on which eternal...

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Faithfully Handling The Weeds of Life – June 28, 2020

Handling the Weeds of Life               She was only 28 years old, a godly woman, a devoted wife and mother.    When he awoke, her husband had found her lifeless body lying next to him in their bed.  There was no apparent cause for her death at the time, nor has...

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Unless The Lord Builds Our House – June 21, 2020

Unless The LORD Builds Your House    For whatever reasons, Father's Day doesn't seem to receive anywhere near the  kind of attention from our society that "Mother's Day" does.  There aren't as many phone calls made, nor are there as many cards sent or as...

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