Read and Watch Sermons

Plant the Seeds God has Given You

The Fourth Sunday of the Epiphany Season   January 28, 2024 Are You Saving the Seed God has given You in Your Barn....Or Are You Sowing It?        Imagine that two men are seated in a plane.  The flight attendant gives one of them a parachute and instructs him about...

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Keeping God’s House Clean

The Third Sunday of the Epiphany Season  -  January 21, 2024  Keeping God’s House Clean             Twice during His public ministry  – near its beginning (reported in our Sermon Text) as well as at the start of Holy Week – Jesus reacted properly to the mercenary...

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Christ Turns Water into Wedding Wine

The Second Sunday of the Epiphany Season January 14, 2024   A Simple, Yet Miraculous Sign: Christ’s Turns Water into Wedding Wine   One day in Sunday School, a teacher asked her students: "What’s your favorite Bible story?"   As you might guess, many of them...

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Their Journey Was Worth It

The Festival (observed) of The Epiphany of our Lord  – January 07, 2024      Their Journey Was Worth It! The Perseverance of The Wise Men “Paid Off” as they finally met the Savior                         This morning you and I have the privilege of celebrating  one of...

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Facing the Passage of Time with Faith

New Year's Eve Worship Service  Meditation Upon Entering Church                Another year is dawning——a path unknown, untried.‘T’would fill me with foreboding, had I no hand to guide;But He who walked beside me, all through this closing year,Whatever might befall me...

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The Nativity of our Lord

  The Nativity of our Lord Christmas Day 2023 A Brief History of The Christian Church’s  Celebration of Christ’s Birth             What is the most important church festival?  No doubt many church-goers would answer, "Christmas, of course!"  But it wasn't always...

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What Christmas Is All About

The Fourth Sunday in Advent - Christmas Eve 2023 What Christmas Is All About: Peace with God and Our Salvation in Christ             A grade school class was putting on a Christmas play which included the story of Mary and Joseph coming to the inn in Bethlehem.   In...

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Just Who Are You?

The Third Sunday in Advent   -   December 17, 2023   Just Who Are You?         The poet Emily Dickinson, who went through life for the most part unnoticed, once wrote a poem about not being very important.  She began it with the following words:   “I’m nobody! Who are...

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Christ could come any day… How Ready are You for Him?

The First Sunday in Advent The Beginning of a New Church Year    December 03, 2023         Christ could come any day...How Ready are You for Him?         There was once an absent-minded professor who could get so absorbed in his work that he would forget the simplest...

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