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Our Lord and King Reigns!

The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity November 26, 2023 The Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Pentecost Season The Last Sunday of the Church Year Christ the King Sunday   Our Lord and King Reigns!               In ancient Israel, the new year festival of Rosh Hashanah...

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So, I’m Going To Heaven. What Do I Do Until Then?

The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity November 19, 2023 The Twenty-sixth Sunday of the Pentecost Season  ”So, I’m Going To Heaven. What Do I Do Until Then?”        The date was the 19th of May, 1780. The place was Hartford, Connecticut. The day has gone down in New...

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Heaven Is My Home

The Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity  -  November 12, 2023 The Twenty-fifth Sunday of the Pentecost Season   Heaven Is My Home             "Is there a heaven?" "Where is heaven?”   “What’s heaven like?”   And, “Who goes to heaven?”   Those are just some of the...

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Festival of the Reformation

October 29, 2023 The 506th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation The Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity  The Twenty-third Sunday of the Pentecost Season          Martin Luther's 95 Theses (selected)   "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.   *           When...

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Christ’s Call to Discipleship

The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity  –  October 22, 2023 The Twenty-Second Sunday of the Pentecost Season   Christ’s Call to Discipleship               An essential characteristic of great leaders is that they make challenging demands of their followers.   When...

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The Final Word

The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity – October 08, 2023 The Twentieth Sunday of the Pentecost Season The Final Word   What follows are some of the last words of some famous historical figures and celebrities:   *           I have offended God and mankind...

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He Holds The Future In His Hands

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity  –   October 01, 2023    The Nineteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season He Holds The Future In His Hands   A fortuneteller, gazing into crystal ball, said to her customer, who happened to be a frog (remember....this is a story!):  ...

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The Blessings the Lord Gives …Unexpected and Undeserved

The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity  –   September 24, 2023    The Eighteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season     The Blessings the LORD Gives ...Unexpected and Undeserved   As a minister was addressing a group of men, he took a large piece of paper and made a black dot...

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Oh, For A Faith That Will Not Shrink!

The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity   –   September 17, 2023    The Seventeenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season    Oh, For A Faith That Will Not Shrink!               The story is told about the first time that actress Helen Hayes decided to cook a Thanksgiving dinner...

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Joseph’s Brothers, Confronted with something Unexpected

The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity      September 10, 2023    The Sixteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season    Joseph’s Brothers,  Confronted with something Unexpected A certain aboriginal tribe of the South Pacific has a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood that...

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