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Joseph Rebuilding Fractured Trust

The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity    –   September 03, 2023    The Fifteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season   Joseph Rebuilding Fractured Trust   As we continue our summer service and sermon series on the life of Joseph, the patriarch, we arrive today at the...

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You CAN forgive all those who sin against you!

The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity     August 27, 2023    The Fourteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season    Several years ago, a professional baseball player was hit in the head by a pitch.   He was seriously injured, and missed the rest of that season.    When he came...

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God Was Always With Joseph

The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity   August 20, 2023    The Thirteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season   Pharaoh had a dream....and God had a plan .....for Egypt and Joseph...and us               Almost sixty years ago to the day, on August 29, 1963, in front of a very...

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Faithfully Dealing with Discouragement

The Tenth Sunday after Trinity  –   August 13, 2023    The Twelfth Sunday of the Pentecost Season     Faithfully Dealing with Discouragement               One day in hell the Devil decided to have a rummage sale.   He put out all of  his demonic tools for sale to...

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How Can I Resist Temptation?

The Ninth Sunday after Trinity     August 06, 2023    The Eleventh Sunday of the Pentecost Season   Taming Temptation            A number of years ago an article in “Leadership” magazine included a discussion of how an Eskimo kills a wolf.   First, the Eskimo coats...

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Facing Life’s Adversities and Evils with Faith

The Eighth Sunday after Trinity  –  July 30, 2023    The Tenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season   Facing the Adversities and Evils of Life with Faith   There’s something unusual and very interesting about the birth of a giraffe.   Permit me to explain.  First, when she...

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What We Want to Hear vs What We Need to Hear

The Sixth Sunday after Trinity  –  July 16, 2023    The Eighth Sunday of the Pentecost Season What We Want to Hear vs What We Need to Hear   An elderly gentleman was having hearing problems and went to see  a specialist.   The doctor fitted him with a pair  of hearing...

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The Gift of a Thorn

The Fifth Sunday after Trinity  -  July 09, 2023    The Seventh Sunday of the Pentecost Season The Gift of a Thorn             We’ve all had bad days before - those days when nothing seems to go right no matter how hard we try. I’ve had some pretty bad days, but I’m...

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The Real Losers and Winners In Life

The Fourth Sunday after Trinity  -  July 02, 2023    The Sixth Sunday of the Pentecost Season     The Real Losers and Winners In Life               Whether it’s the World Series or a Little League baseball game....whether it’s bingo, bowling or badminton ....there are...

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