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Fishing For Souls

The Sixth Sunday of the Epiphany Season Also known as Sexagesima Sunday   February 12, 2023 Called by God to go fishing             There’s a story about a man who was a phenomenal fisherman. He was so good that his fame spread far and wide. When everyone else was...

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Jesus Knows Everything….Including Everything About You

The Fifth Sunday of the Epiphany Season Also known as Septuagesima Sunday     February 05, 2023 The Omniscience of Jesus Across the centuries the season of the Church year in which we find ourselves, Epiphany (a Greek term meaning“to reveal” or “to make manifest”),...

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Fear Not…Jesus Is With You…Always!

January 29, 2023 The Fourth Sunday of the Epiphany Season   Jesus’ Omnipresence -- He Is With Us! Another Proof That He Truly Is Our God   The Epiphany Season Emphasis             For over 18 centuries Christians have traditionally spent the Sunday mornings of...

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The Divine Power of Jesus Christ

January 22, 2023    The Third Sunday of the Epiphany Season   The Divine Power of Jesus Christ   Words like "Almighty,"   "Infinite Sovereignty,"   and "Divine Authority"  are often used by theologians to describe the unlimited power that Jesus possesses as the One,...

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Being About His/Our/My Father’s Business

January 15, 2023 The Second Sunday of the Epiphany Season Being About His/Our/My Father’s Business               This morning we'll be giving our attention to a portion of Scripture often read during the Epiphany Season.  It has to do with  one of the first...

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The Epiphany Journey of Faith

January 08, 2023    Epiphany Sunday also known as the Sunday of the Baptism of our Lord   The Epiphany Journey of Faith                                                                                                                                                 I'm...

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A Simple New Year’s Resolution: Be Positive

January 1, 2023    New Year’s Day also known as the First Sunday after Christmas and as, the Day of the Circumcision and Naming of Our Lord Father, Let Me Dedicate All This Year To You....   What follows are three illustrations that, I believe, fit well the...

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Mary’s Miracle Child (and Savior)

The Fourth Sunday in Advent   December 18, 2022 Mary Had A “Little Lamb.... Who Took Away the Sin of the World             A grade school class was putting on a Christmas play which included the story of Mary and Joseph coming to the inn in Bethlehem.   In that class...

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Does It Matter Who Jesus Is?

The Third Sunday in Advent       December 11, 2022 Does It Matter Who Jesus Is?       What do YOU think John the Baptist meant in his question about Jesus”   “Are You the Coming One or should we wait for someone else?” ....... If you pose that question to almost any...

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The Advent Message and Its Messenger

The Second Sunday in Advent December 04, 2022 The Advent Messenger and His Message: John’s Unmistakable Call to Repentance             A number of ago the “Peanuts” comic strip had Lucy and Charlie Brown practicing football.   Lucy would hold the ball for Charlie’s...

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