The Devotion and Love Our Heavenly Father has for Us

Church Service Live Stream October 09, 2022     The Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity The Nineteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season   The Devotion and Love Our Heavenly Father has for Us   In 1858, a man named John Gray was buried in old Greyfriars Churchyard,...

Glorying in the Cross of Christ

Church Service Live Stream September 25, 2022       The Fifteenth Sunday After Easter The Seventh Sunday of the Pentecost Season Glorying in the Cross of Christ             Imagine that you’re looking for the perfect present for the most special person in your life.  ...

Bearing Each Others’ Burdens

Church Service Live Stream The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity also known as the Sixteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season September 18, 2022  Bearing Each Others’ Burdens John Unger promised his wife that if something bad ever happened on his job in the coal mine,...

Walking the Tightrope of Christianity

Church Service Live Stream September 11, 2022     The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity also known as the Fifteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season Walking the Tightrope of Christianity   Imagine that you’re standing in front of your freezer. You’ve opened the door...

The Price, Purpose and Privilege of Our Freedom

Church Service Live Stream September 04, 2022     The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity the Fourteenth Sunday of the Pentecost Season The Price, Privilege and Purpose of Our Freedom   During the Second World War, in the fall of 1943, Admiral Chester Nimitz,...

Souls… Lost, Recovered, and Secured

Church Service Live Stream August 21, 2022       The Tenth Sunday after Trinity also known as the Twelfth Sunday of the Pentecost Season Souls…..Lost, Recovered, and Secured   In his excellent book, The Prodigal God, Timothy...