What’s Rocking Your Boat?

Church Service Live Stream   The First Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity The Third Sunday of the Pentecost Season   June 02, 2024 What’s Rocking Your Boat?   We all have bad days.  Maybe you can identify with this worker in one of my all-time...

God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity

  The Festival of the Holy Trinity     Pre-Service Prayer  –  Heavenly Father, guide us through Your Holy Word this morning, that we may grow stronger in our faith in You, and in Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.   Through Your Holy Spirit, help...

Do You Really Listen When Your Lord Speaks?

Service Live Stream  The Seventh Sunday of the Easter Season May 12, 2024    known, liturgically, as Exaudi (hear) Sunday also as The Sunday of Anticipation and, traditionally, as Mother’s Day     Do You Really Listen When Your Lord Speaks?      Two psychiatrists who...

God’s Call To Prayer

Service Live Stream The Sixth Sunday of the Easter Season May 05, 2024 known, liturgically, as Rogate Sunday  (“Pray”)        People of Prayer Even with an increasing number of self-described atheists  and agnostics in our socieity (upwards of 20% of  our...

Singing the Praises of our Savior

Service Live Stream The Fifth Sunday of the Easter Season –  April 28, 2024 known, liturgically, as Cantate Sunday  (“Sing”)   Singing the Praises of our Savior   In 1988 Orel Hershiser was pitching for the Los Angeles Dodgers.   The Dodgers were leading 5-2 on...