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Why Is It That So Many People Won’t Believe In Jesus?

The Fifth Sunday of the Season of Lent also known as Judica (“Judge” or “Vindicate”) Sunday April 03, 2022 Anyone who doesn’t love Jesus doesn’t know God (...regardless of what folks say)               C.S. Lewis, the famous Christian “Apologist” (defender of the...

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My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Scripture quotations in this worship flyer, unless otherwise noted,  are taken from the EVANGELICAL HERITAGE VERSION of the Bible.  Copyright 2019  by the Warburg Project.   All rights reserved.         March 30, 2022      Fifth Midweek Lenten Service  ...

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God’s Incredible Solution To Our Impossible Problem

The Fourth Sunday of the Season of Lent also known as Laetere (“Rejoice”) Sunday March 27, 2022   God’s Incredible Solution To Our Impossible Problem             Today is “Laetere”....a Sunday to “Rejoice”     As we work our way through the season of Lent, we...

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Woman, here is your son…. Son, here is your mother

Our 2022 Lenten Services Theme:  “Seven Times Our Savior Spoke” Tonight: from John 19:25-27....   ”Woman, here is your son.... Son, here is your mother”   March 23, 2022      Fourth Midweek Lenten Service       Silent Prayer  Pre-service...

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In the “War for Souls” Which Side Are You On?

The Third Sunday of the Season of Lent also known as Occuli (“Eyes”) Sunday March 20, 2022 Let’s Not Forget....There’s A War Going On (outside and inside us)!                     80 years ago....the news routinely contained the names of three of history’s most...

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The Pardon of the Good Thief

  Midweek Lent Evening Worship Service March 16, 2022   Our 2022 Lenten Services Theme:  “Seven Times Our Savior Spoke” Tonight:   from Luke 23:39-43....   ”Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise.”       Silent Prayer...

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I Saw His Face… And All Is Well – February 27, 2022

The Eighth Sunday of the Epiphany Season also known as Quinquagesima (50) Sunday and, as the Sunday of the Transfiguration February 27, 2022 “I Saw His Face..And All Is Well” A ship was in grave distress, caught in a severe storm.   The passengers were all alarmed.  ...

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