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Judas Iscariot….Betrayer – July 25, 2021

The Eighth Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity also known as The Tenth Sunday of  the Pentecost Season July 25 2021 Judas Iscariot....Betrayer   Judas’s name was the Greek version of the Hebrew “Judah” which roughly means “Praise” or “Let God Be  Praised.”  ...

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God Bless Our Native Land – July 4, 2021

The Fifth Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity also known as  The Seventh Sunday of the Pentecost Season July 04, 2021 God Bless Our Native Land        God bless our native land....God bless America!    That’s not just an expression used by politicians...

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What Is A Christian?– June 27, 2021

The Fourth Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity also known as the Sixth Sunday  of the Pentecost Season     June 27, 2021 What Is A Christian? (and how can I be sure I am one?)   Nearly 2 billion people worldwide identify themselves with Christianity,...

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Our Incomparable Father – June 20, 2021

The Third Sunday after Trinity   + + +   The Fifth Sunday of the Pentecost Season June 20, 2021 Our Incomparable Father   After surveying over 4000 men, author Ken Canfield wrote a book with the title, “The Seven Secrets of Effective Fathers.”   In it, he shared...

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Confessions of a Veteran Believer – June 6, 2021

The First Sunday after the Festival of the Holy Trinity also known as The Third Sunday of the Pentecost Season June 06, 2021     Serving Us Today Elders:   Steve Stone, Tim Pfortmiller                   Organist:   Debbie Huebner Ushers: Chris Roberts, Fred...

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