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The Race of Your (Eternal) Life

The Third Sunday after Trinity  -  June 25, 2023    The Fifth Sunday of the Pentecost Season     The Race of Your (Eternal) Life Bob Wieland finally crossed the finish line on Thursday, November 6, 1986.  That’s a long time ago.  Yet what he did  remains very...

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A Faithful Father

The Second Sunday after Trinity  -  June 18, 2023    The Fourth Sunday of the Pentecost Season  also, by custom, known as Father’s Day   A Faithful Father Joseph served his “Son” and Savior and he still serves us as an outstanding example of faithfulness for each of...

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Living in a Danger Zone

The First Sunday after Trinity  -  June 11, 2023    The Third Sunday of the Pentecost Season                         Living in a Danger Zone "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves" (2 Cor 13:5)   A foolish old farmer, so the story...

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The Triune God We Worship

The Festival of the Holy Trinity  -  June 04, 2023    The First Sunday After Pentecost We believe in the one, true Triune God.......Do You?   In the nearly 20 years that have transpired since the terrorist  attacks occurred on 9/11 much has been  written in an attempt...

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More Power For Us… the Spiritual Legacy of Pentecost

The Festival of Pentecost  -  May 28, 2023    also known as “Witsunday” (White Sunday)   More Power For Us....the Spiritual Legacy of Pentecost Many of you will recall the famous eruption of Mount St. Helen in Washington state on May 18, 1980.   The story dominated...

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Now What Do We Do?

Now What Do We Do? Look Up To Your Lord & Look Ahead                   The story is told of a young minister who had just graduated from the Seminary.  He’d been installed the previous Sunday, and his first worship service to lead – alone – was going to be on...

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Sing to the Lord a New Song

The Fifth Sunday of the Easter Season  -   May 07, 2023    known, liturgically, as Cantate Sunday  (“Sing”)   Sing to the Lord a New Song        It’s been nearly fifty years since a song hit the airwaves that quickly became a popular hit.   That song, sung by a...

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Our Joy in Jesus

The Fourth Sunday of the Easter Season – April 30, 2023    known, liturgically, as Jubilate Sunday  (“Rejoice”)   Our Joy in Jesus             A struggling family cleaning out the basement of their home stumbled upon what is known as the “Holy Grail” of comic...

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