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The Miracles of Christmas – December 19, 2021

December 19, 2021   The Fourth Sunday in Advent The Miracles of Christmas   Three Christmas Miracles                 That Mary, a virgin, gave birth to a child is one of the most incredible miracles in all of Scripture.  The  Miracle of Virgin Birth is also one...

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Great Expectations – December 12, 2021

December 12, 2021 The Third Sunday in Advent Great Expectations         Perhaps some of who are reading this have also read Charles Dickens’ classic literary work “Great Expectations.”    Briefly, the book follows the life of its main character, Pip, who goes...

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The Colors Of Christmas – December 8, 2021

The Colors of Christmas   Tonight’s Color:   Green / Everlasting Life     We ask the Lord to Join us   Pastor's Greeting and Introduction to Tonight’s Worship   after which the Congregation will rise   The Invocation     We begin this worship...

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The Blessing of Repenting – December 5, 2021

    The Blessing of Repenting   The secular world began its Christmas preparations months ago, when Christmas  gift items and holiday decorations started filling up local store shelves.   Individuals are also making their personal preparations for the celebration...

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Christ is Our King – November 21, 2021

The 25th Sunday of after Trinity  the 27th Sunday of the Pentecost Season Christ is Our King              It's not easy to be a king. Today, most kings are rule in "limited constitutional monarchies," functioning as figureheads,  symbols of an age long-past....

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Heaven Is Definitely Our Home – November 14, 2021

The 24th Sunday of after Trinity  the 26th Sunday of the Pentecost Season at Grace Lutheran Church & Academy   Our “More Beyond” Faith’s Goal:   Heaven              In Valladolid, Spain, where Christopher Columbus died in 1506, a monument stands...

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